Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. (Rodney Dangerfield)

Sorry if im not keeping up by writing everyday, i've been busy and tired.

-English meh
-We have a quiz in sociology on ch. 6 and a final next week. We watched a film about kids in India being born into brothels. It was funny how they've never seen a camera and they just take random pics, but it was sad how the parents and the owners treated them.
-Sci con was suppose to be a review day. Haha she just put some problems and that was it.
-Ran volleyball practice. Then the coachs and the guys from ate sa's intermural team came over and we scrimmaged the varsity. I did ok. Didnt shank anything got some kills. It was fun. IM really sore so if you want to hit me hit me in the erector spinae haha if you know where that is.
We played 5 games no matter what so yea kinda pooped.
-Missed dinner so ate mcdonalds
-Got home around 9:30ish. Then wanted to take a 30 minute nap and study for sci con. Woke up aorund 10:40 and turned my alarm off haha. Then woke up @ 1 so i just slept the whole night. Haha been sleeping alot lately.

-We had our presentation for psych today. It was on educational toys. We finished the whole thing like 10 minutes before class and we did good. I brought my disney touch and hear toy lol. I rolled my toy car down the hill it was fun haha
-Physio.....man physio. We wrote alot today with Jodi as our freaking sub. Man she has too much neurotransmitters in her. She talks to fast and stuff . Like she would say difhgsadkuyfga ok moving on...WTF! haha
-They had a mardi gras band today in the cafe. Freaking drummer doesnt know any other beats.
-Jynxed Michelle again lol but i got you off the hook!
-I ate shrimp from Flood Katrina haha. Yea i know i messed up! Hurricane Katrina.
-Gosh why didnt you tell me what time it was!!! haha
-Went to volleyball practice.
-GOT A FREAKING TICKET TODAY! man its $40! haha it was because i parked 30 minutes over the limit sheesh. These rich people in beverly hills!

i'll write more if i have more to say!

Monday, February 27, 2006

If it weren't for pick-pocketers I'd have no sex life at all. (Rodney Dangerfield) haha isnt that funny?

-My mom drew some blood this morning. So i exercised for about 30 minutes to get the blood flowing. Haha she freaking missed again with the butterfly needle, so we used the ceringe and she finally got my vein. I felt like a practice dummy for my mom. I asked her how come she missed so much. Then she said i havent drawn blood for a long time, I just ask the nurses to get the blood. OH GREAT. The blood tests were negative so everything is good.
-Helped my dad with the garage.
-Took a 3 hour nap. Dad wanted to know why i was sleeping and not studying haha.
-Watched this one chinese show. It was mostly focused on dogs and how they would react if their owners died while walking them. This one dog stayed with the owner and laid on top of him and started crying. Haha the other dogs sniffed and ran away, while this one dog actually pissed on the owner haha.
-Drove back to the dorm and missed half of Grey's Anatomy.
-Bought Nel and Michelle In-N-Out. Thanks for the sunflower crackers yo!
-I have to stop cussing haha
-"Holy shit, you look like 200lbs of bird shit!" haha


Saturday, February 25, 2006

If you can see your breath outide on a cold day, could you see your fart?

-English presentation was good haha. He told us that our time was up so i ended with "Ummm yea thats it" haha. He also picked on me also. Jim was on the computer while i was writing and he says to jim "Are you paying attention Brennan?....i mean Jim?" wtf
-Waited the whole day for my sociology quiz to be posted up, but it wasnt so i guess there was none.
-Played Uno with Michelle, Jerome, Neldinne, Grace, and Erika instead of going to Sci con. Haha i beat "Grace" but it was 2nd to the last.
-practice was good haha. I gotta watch my mouth. Muy Sucio!
-Played basketball at Walker. I think i did ok, but i was really lazy haha.

that was it yesterday!
blog later

-Had my mom draw blood from me, well try and draw blood. She missed both veins and on my hand! haha i told her after the first time, if she misses again she owes me $20, haha she hasnt paid me yet! But after the first one, she tried finding it with the needle in for a good minute or so. I told her to take it out, i felt like throwing up and felt light headed haha. Try again tomorrow...SHIT!
-Went to Santa Monica beach to play beach volleyball with the volleyball program. The weather was awesome today! Food was awesome too! Played volleyball for about a good 3 hours.
-Went back to Carson to shoot around with Kris and Kristine. I won p-i-g, but im a horse and pi? haha Kristine i like your new shot! It awesome haha but its ok if you sneak in a double handed shot when kris isnt looking =P "Make this or Behr will get ran over by my truck" haha
-Worked on my psych project. I cant find any stats on educational toys and its effects over a kids life.
-Ate dinner with my dad
-My dad cut my hair today
Dad:"Have a beer with me"
Me:"Ok, but shouldnt you cut my hair first?"
Dad: :long pause:..."OH shit good idea!"

hahaha thanks dad lol

-my mom doesnt like the fact that UJ doesnt want us back anymore. Plus she said that the dorms @ MSMC are small. Haha hey this might lead to an apartment! woo hoo!
-Cerveza and chicharon! awesome
-"Look at my face...is this a happy face!?"

I remembered this convo me and kristian had

Me:"Its ok Kristian. How old are you? 10? 11? 12?
Kristian:" Im 15."
Me:"Hoooly shit man you got to get on that!"

Kris and a waiter @ Denny's

Waiter:"How would you like your eggs?"
Kris:"...what are my choices?"

haha wow you should of asked for medium rare eggs! lol

hab a noice noight!...maybe i'll write later

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons because, to them, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

-Today started off with the sun shinning in my face around 7:05.
-Went to baby psych. Haha i sang "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" and Jerome was like dude shut the fuck up! hahaha. Watched a video about babies and stranger anxiety and stuff like that. Haha Kaylee is in the negativity stage of self awareness by saying NO! haha thats cute
-Physiology was ok. Focused on the buoton lol. Had this one long ass formula.
-Ate chicken alfredo with tapatio and ate some trees =P
-Went to practice, where i took over today. Helped varsity practice also.
-Bought milk and red bull. Random things i know.
-Potato, eggs, or coffee beans? Which one are you?
-Took a nap today and almost missed dinner.
-You really didnt use your geeky clothes haha =P
-i have one cup for my apple juice and milk
-English tomorrow...fuck! haha
-Going home tomorrow.
-Went to eat dinner and someone said "Hello there Mount St. Mary's friend" haha
-UNO tomorrow?


brite lite!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder...hahaha i want to be a mechanic and say that to one of my customers =P

Well im blogging right now because, well i dont have anything to do. My sociology class was cancelled so here i am.

-School as usual. Baby psych was ok. We talked about how in this society it was ok if a girl touched a guy but if a guy touches a girl its a lawsuit haha.
-Physiology was ok. It took us about a whole hour just to learn what happens when a neuron sends its signal haha.
-Buoton! haha sounds like a mumu
-"You're asian? I love orange chicken."
-Nick showed us a video of a dad making his kid watch a movie where something pops out and scares you. Haha we made a new dance, its called the computer dance.
-Went to Volleyball practice. It was fun. I accidently sprained someones wrists haha well it wasnt my fault because he tried overhand passing a jump serve.
-Went back to MSMC and MICHELLE freaking deletes all my songs on my ipod! wow what a friend huh? Then she tries to make up for it by giving me her songs, most of which i dont understand because they are in tagalog. hahaha its ok!
-Went to Nick's house for his b'day bbq. It was fun i kinda pigged out. Well it was because i didnt eat anything. Played Texas hold'em. Freaking Neldinne got me out in like 5 minutes haha. Golddigger =P. Congrats though on winning the whole pot yo!
-Went back home around 11:15 and drank smirnoff! haha i thought that it would give me energy, but i knocked out around 11:45 plus i was really tired. So i woke up around 12:45 saying oh man i have an english presentation today and a test. So i just slept through the night!

-Went to english class worrying about our project, and got lucky because he said that it was pushed back to friday woo hoo!
- Sociology class was cancelled so im here blogging/studying for physio!

ok i'll blog the rest of my day later!


oh yea english. Nahid used me as an example today. it was about how girls have it better when they get pulled over by a cop instead of guys. He said "Do you think that the cop would find me and Brennan sexy? Im sexy, Brennan's sexy!" haha that was funny. Wacthed BSB at the beginning of class. Oh and our presentations was pushed back to friday so that was cool.
-Roxy got me freaking confused with her way of converting things.
-Sci con was weird! haha i felt like sleeping because i was tired, but we were learning combustions so i tried staying awake.
-Physio lab was good. I got a 95/113 so thats ok.
-Got most of my songs back on my ipod!
-Slept through my dam alarm again!
-Michelle hit me with her poi balls? or something. Then Neldinne tried to do it and one of the things flew and hit me. Haha Michelle is embarassed of dancing!
-Got Michelle on jynx. Then she talks and i chase her down the hall and hit her! hahaha thats right! lol
-Shuttle was whack today. it didnt even come today...so i was like how am i getting home? So nick took us. Thanks
-Nick calls me near jerome's house and i hear some mexicans talking to him hahaha. Then hes like which house is it. its dark and im running out of battery haha. i think someone almost shatted their pants =P
-L&L today, but they freaking close @ 9 wow!
-B bomb almost popped today!
-Found michelle sleeping on her laptop so im like ummm im going to carry you to the bed. So i did and then just dropped her on it haha sorry if you couldnt go back to sleep!
-Jim can pick a piece of chicken clean. WTF hahaha with a fork too? I could of taken him with my fob hands!
-Found out that we arent dorming here @ UJ anymore next year. We are actually living on the mount how cool is that?
-My brain keeps farting and no it doesnt smell like daisies!

Well thats it. Im in the lab because i freaking locked my smart self out of my dorm hahaha what a dork! =P

ok well i gtg call the RA to let me back in!

sinong tatay mo?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If that person isn't there the first time you need him, chances are you won't be needing him again...

wow thats really true

my day
-Put all that stuff down there back into the new closets
-Napped for about 30 minutes
-Basketball. Offense was shit today. I hurt my knee again kinda. I went up in the air for a rebound, then someone kicked my knee, so it hurts when i flex it. I think my defense was good today, but i gotta work on my O. I like it better indoor. Oh yea i got blocked alot today! Someone fucking elbowed me, got hit in the mouth, and accidentally hit someone in the face.haha the end
-My mom just made these buttered quesadillas. It was really good, i havent had those in 5 years i think. So it was really good.
-My mom asked if i had a test this week. I said yes. My comeback would of been...i wasted all my study time for the cabinets..haha stupid lol.
-Hmmm still have to pack.
-4 day school week.
-BBQ tomorrow. Nick's b'day. Haha how the hell am i going to get there haha mucho traffico!
- haha bitch's running wild man! hahahahahaha
-Mamoth trip..cant wait!
-My mom showed me my pilot jacket today hahaha. Look at that and my shoes. Haha look how small it is compared to my normal jacket hahaha. Then my mom said you want to see your favorite blanket. I said umm its ok haha it might be embarassing. Oh yea and i found my helmet from when i was small. It was a nija turtles one haha. Danny, Kristine, and kris saw it.

Love and care with a care bear stare! Piece!

Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

Before..looks like crap huh? Time for Extreme Makeover: Garage Edition!Bang.....freaking 24 hours later! Woo hoo. This dam thing took my whole sunday haha but its ok i had fun with my dad. We played a trick on my mom today. She saw me nailing some boards together and she was like put on goggles because stuff might get into your eyes. Im like uhhh ok! So my dad and i decided to play a trick on her. I started hammering and started to scream. My dad then in tagalog said that Brennan has something in his eye. I hear my mom's footsteps coming from upstairs while yelling in tagalog see i told you, now you're going to be blind! So she walked into the garage and i had my back turned saying ouch so that she wouldnt see. Theni turned around with my hand covering my eye while holding a nail making it seem like a nail went in my eye. My mom left saying SSSHHHIIIITTTTT!

-Showed my mom my urine results. Bad idea haha. Shes like wow you have diabetes now! You're lucky that you're not in a coma. Now she wants to draw my blood tomorrow haha aww hell naw! Im waiting till she sleeps tonight lol.

-Gave Celine and Whitefoot peanut butter. Haha Freaking Celine doesnt even lick it she just swallows the whole dam thing.

-Actually had a real family lunch and dinner today. It was really nice. We talked about memories about how when i was small. Me and my mom would always fight for shotgun in the r.v. My dad got mad at me because i didnt put deoderant when i was small. haha but yea alot of funny moments in my life with my parents.

-Pamela 55? haha

-I've been having alot of brain farts lately haha. Physio made my bwain not want to think.

well that was my day. Interesting huh?

Take me away-Plain white t's

Sock puppets? WHERE!?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Last night, I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and thought to myself, "Where the heck is the ceiling?"

well the most part of my day was making this pile of toys and stuff in my kitchen and the living room from the garage! Yea thas alot huh? I was playing with one of my childhood toys for about a good 5 minutes and my dad was like what the hell are you doing??? i said nothing! It was pretty cool to see my old toys again. Some of them actually still had some battery left in them after about 4 or 5 years! I also played with one of my monster trucks haha and started running over things. I also found a sesame street Uno card game in that big ass pile. My dad then found his collector model cars, which i totally destroyed when i was small, and said,"Look what you did when you were small!" haha opps sorry. Then i took out this one shark toy and all these memories started coming from my mom, dad, and me. It was weird haha. Then i showed my mom Thomas the train thingy and asked her if she remembered the name of it. She said Thomas! I was like wow haha. DAM IM GETTING OLD, BUT IM STILL A KID AT HEART! hopefully thats good lol.

-played basketball today. I do better indoor than outdoor! I swear i dont know why.

-"OH you're asian?...I love orange chicken!" http://jokoy.com another flip comedian other than Rex.

-Learned some Panic! At the Disco songs on the guitar.

-Took a nap. Set my alarm for an hour then woke up 2 hours later. Freaking phone is playing tricks on me haha.

-Ate tina said to kaylee," Go change!" Then Kaylee said," I'll change you!" hahaha it was cute and funny. You should of been there! And when she kept running into Jaz with her chair saying excuse me! hahaha

Everything changes with time. Sometimes its fast sometimes its slow. it basically depends on the person. Alot of things have changed for me in the past 3-5 months. Some good and mostly bad, but hey shit happens. Shit happens so that you can get closer to people that you know! Like my friends, they have been there for me and i have gotten closer to most of them. I've learned some ways to deal with the bad changes like letting my feelings out when i need to. Change needs to happen in order for things to move on. As Mr. Scotti would say "Tweak your week a bit". I believe that. Thats why i come in pajamas sometimes. You just dont want to keep doing the same routine everyday. Live life the way you want to live it. This relfection might sound stupid but whatever.

alot to do tomorrow!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


-playing uno with Roxy, Michelle, Jim, AJ, and Jerome for more than a total of 2 hours! Freaking Michelle beat me that one time it took like an hour! hahha good times.
-Skipped all my classes today
-Fish tacos woo hoo
-"..a nuts"
-3 day weekend
-Practice was good
-More songs to my ipod

haha there guys my blog was shorter! lol

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Pictures speak louder than words. Because some words are big and hard to understand''

past two days hhmmmm mostly was studying.

on wed i had a physiolab and we took urine samples. Haha i had too much glucose. Then drank diet soda and then recorded my urine sample. My uroblinogen went from normal to 4, bilirubin went from negative to positive, and i had some hemoglobbin! Hahah hopefully one day i will understand what those things are =P

studied for physio test which we took today. It wasnt that bad. I hope i did good, i mean i answered most of the questions during my first time through...so hoping for the best.

today i had my midterm. Went to practice only to leave early because of an incident between friends. We are all here, we know that you're mad, and everyone is sorry for what they have done.

played a pick up game with 2 random people. lost 7-6 but its ok. Next time. They invited me to play tackle football with them if i had time. Haha i said ok i'll play next time with them.

Haha friends wanted to go to a gay club haha. i didnt want to, so they went to a straight one.

Caught up on my sleep tonight a lil bit. Felt good but this stupid guy outside with his freaking accordian kept playing so i decided not to sleep anymore.

Im going to skip english and sci con tomorrow. Im just going to be at school for the soc debate.

oh yea i was socked in the stomach today haha. Nice reflexes =P

Dunno whats up for the weekend but im up for it! Unless my parents tell me not to go anywhere haha.

I had too much interstitial fluid in my hands today! haha

Why is it so hard to open a dam gatorade bottle?

Played my guitar for the first time this week.

The Reason by Hoobastank sounds really good after not hearing it for like a while...

Still gotta pack and stuff!

so i will end this............

----->here! nite!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Love is like wet cement-the longer you stay, the harder it is to get out. And, when you finally do get out, you always leave your shoes behind." -Anonymous

Well since it was valentines day/S.A.D. day i decided to put a different quote up.

Mi Dia!

-School was school. When we did a review for physio, i was like wow i gotta start studying hardcore for everything now! Hmmm had a fruit parfitt <--spelling. It was good.
-Started drinking alot of water and fluids for tomorrow. Haha urine testing tomorrow for physiology lab.
-I had my first practice today @ BHHS for volleyball. I conditioned with them. We ran bleachers and ran 3 laps around the track. I went to the districts office to get my secondary paperwork. Holy shit man that thing was thick. I need to get my fingerprints and shit over the weekend. Plus i need to take a safety course online about how to be safe and stuff. No blood no harm haha j/k. Played king of the court with my team. We freaking lost haha. One of the guys couldnt pass a freeball haha but its ok.
-Traffic was shit today! I fucking hated the ride back to the dorm! I got into an argument with this one black guy today and this is how it went. Apparently i crossed the line????

*Black guy pulls up next to me*
Black guy: "mumble mumble mumble"
Me: "huh?"
BG: "Mumble mumble line!"
Me:" HUH?!?"
BG:"You heard what the fuck i said!"
Me:" Fuck you, just keep driving. you're holding up traffic!"
BG:" Why i oughta just get out and sock you!"
Me:" Fuck you. Just keep fucking driving!"

so yea thats how that went. Then 2 people cut me off today like without even signalling. I wanted to ram them. I guess i was just frustrated with traffic. It usually takes me 30 minutes to get back. Today it took a good 2 hours. Then when i took the mountain way to get back to UJ, it was fucking packed too!
-Got back to the dorm and ate. Met this freshman at UJ in the Berg. We talked about astronomy. Hes undecided, but wants to do something in the sciences.
-Jim and Nick came over and chilled.
-Took a 4 hour nap haha that put me way behind schedule tonight. I swear my phone alarm doesnt work, or i guess i just slept through it, but it was right next to my ear! I dunno maybe im a deaf!
-Started studying around 11:25.
-Here i am now its about 1:26 and im taking a break before english hmwk.
- Havent touched my guitar in a while. After thursday haha.
-You're the j/f.
-So you think my blogs are long huh? Well i'll make them longer then haha.
-Haha might post up some youtube videos of some songs that Jerome and I are playing.
-Havent shot my free throws yet haha. I think thats like 240 now that i have to shoot.
-I keep looking at that tent and still wonder...why the hell is it here again? hahahaha
-I think im going to come with my hair down tomorrow and maybe pajamas haha. Im getting too lazy making my hair stand up and look all crazy like a sea anenome! haha
-Neldinne was mean to me today hahaha. She punched me and made fun of the way i looked and stuff like that. But its ok! haha im use to it now haha.
-Dam Amino acids!
-Glucose-->Glucose 6 phosphate-->Fructose 6 phosophate-->Fructose 1,6 biphosphate--> Glyceraldehyde 3 phosophate-->1,3 Biphosophoglycerate-->3 phosophoglycerate-->2 Phosophoglycerate-->1 phosophoglycerate-->Phosphenol pyruvate--> pyruvate
-If You Were Gay- Avenue Q

-listening to Matisyahu live at stubbs on my ipod
-English is a bitch, after that physio until im sleepy

what time is it? Hmwk haha wow its 1:46 now hahahaha!

Monday, February 13, 2006

The internet is really really great.......for porn! I got a fast connection so i dont have to wait....for porn. theres always some new site.....for porn, i browse all day and night....for porn, its like im surfing at the speed of light....for porn!

The internet is for porn -Avenue Q


My day

-English haha it was funny. He was talking about the way women were treated back then. Like objects. Haha he also said nigger, jew, dirty mexican, and some other stuff.
-Sociology was meh. We had to bring in pictures with us in them. Haha my family is my Primary group and my friends are my primary/secondary ones.
-Sci con. I got an A on that quiz. Learned chemistry stuff.
-Haha im not invited to your wedding? haha jerk
-Ate 2 polvorons
-Colour Me Life
-Talked with some of the spohmores and chilled with them. " Hey dude whatsup" <--- did you know saying that to your patients during assesments can get you in trouble?
-"Gosh why dont you two just makeout already" hahahahaha
-"Thats orange juice. Hi my name is Brennan!" haha
- Just stare them straight in the eye when you put that thing up the urethra <--spelling.
-Went to the mall to see if the had any sales. Went to the bathroom and saw two people going up to the freaking towel paper dispenser. It says wave here and they freaking pushed the censor hahaha stupid. Then they wave underneath it. I was going to say hey stupid wave it over the censor hahaha.
-Studied at the Cerritos library. Took a nap and woke up to that stupid annoying speaker saying" Storytime in the kids section right now"
-Went home and no one was there. Dad went to Laughlin.
-Went to Kris'. Happy Birthday auntie Tela and thanks for the shirts. Man we look like Fobs with our basketball jerseys and they are kinda long haha.
-Went to ACN meeting. It was good. People made alot of money. The more people the more money. Its like a pyramid and stuff. I dunno im still thinking about it. What if i screw my friends over? Is the phone service reliable? and all that stuff. When the guy was talking this one asian guy was like HAHAHA out loud at every joke. I was like WTF is that guy on. haha Then there were people humming? Wtf this isnt a black community church. haha
-Coming home this fucker in a shit van wouldnt let me merge.
-Like your away message? hahaha
-Freaking i had lyrics while i was driving haha but now its gone.
-Physio tomorrow shoot me por favor.
-Shut up! shut up! dont want to hear it....
-First volleyball practice tomorrow! Oh man lol.
-Do i look mean? haha only when i want to be and if your on my bad side!
-you dont think i can be gangster? what is up homie B, busy like a Bee! YES!
- I like my hair the way it is right now! im going to keep it this length.
-My mom doesnt like the idea of me coaching and the phone thing.

say so long, say goodnight, and just throw out your hand...to catch me when i fall into the night.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

"If today you were going to die, how would you spend it."

i would
-bungee jump
-family time
-Streaking =P
-Tell people how i really feel about them and thank all my friends for being there with me.
-Motorcross, even though i dont know how to ride a motorcycle.
-Try to run away from the cops with Delilah
-Ride a monster truck
-Sit on the roof and watch the stars
-Go to a sporting event...and then streak on the field...hahaha
-Buy alot of expensive stuff
-Egg/Teepee someone's house with my friends.
-play with Celine and Foot foot
-Write on someones face while they are sleeping!
-Scuba diving or go in a submarine
-Ride in a jet
-Get my "grill" fixed haha yea right!
-Get snowed in again hahaha
-Pretend im a doctor at some hospital haha
-Go to a music concert
-Go into space and bring a monkey with me. Lets see who survives the longest haha.
-Put my songs out to the public and see what they think.
-Go on American Idol and i dunno see what they have to say. I think it would go something like this....

*Brennan finishes his song*
*simon in british accent* : "THAT WAS TOE-TALLY AWESOME. FORGET THE OTHERS. THIS Cumpi-tition is oh-ver. YOU are hollywood BRENNAN!"

hahaha yea right!

i think thats it haha. I can still do these things, well most of those things.

my day was a normal day. Stayed home and studied kinda. Bought an ipod and have 206 songs on it. School tomorrow, except for those lucky ones. I hate you hahaha j/k. I get to learn more than you =P. Saw the Dwayne Wade drain that 15 footer over Prince <--skinny queer. Grey's Anatomy was awesome today. The bomb exploded but only the bomb squad died so sad..kinda. I saw people on youtube.com play the drums for the song Bat Country...dam thats crazy. Oh yea and people playing the solo props to them too. Didnt shoot freethrows today because my ball is @ UJ. Shit i should start heading back there huh? ok 5 more minutes. Physio test thursday...start studying hardcore on tuesday. I hope that you're feeling better you. This blog is weird and i have passed my 5 minute mark by 3 minutes haha. drive safe brennan...later! why do i keep talking to myself no ones going to read this. And if you are you're a PREVERT =P

haha..j/k (ctrl + 1)

Password is like your underwear; Change it frequently, don't share it with others, and don't ask to borrow someone else's. =P

Short and to the point

-Played basketball i sucked!
-Moved a bed from Joel's house to Kris'
-Thanks for the revisions haha even though i only wanted criticism
-Neiners is a freaking weird dog! haha
-Hot cheetos and cream cheese is good oh and same with hot cider!
-Went to the Beatrock sale. It was cool. Thanks Ate Tina for buying my clothes.
-Went to a dog park. Saw a small cute husky. Haha i saw this on small dog that was cute i dont know what the hell it was but it was cute.
-Ate philly roles @ kris' house
-"What the fuck shit parking is that?"
-"Hubert Cumberdale, you taste like soot and poop."
-"Margery stewert baxter, you taste like sunshine dust."
- "This is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate destiny..."
-Watch Final Destination 3. It was really graphic.
-Made my dad a new email account so that he can stop using mine.
-Alot of shit to do tomorrow.


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention Give me envy, give me malice, baby, give me a break! When I say "Shotgun", you say "Wedding" "Shotgun", "Wedding", "Shotgun", "Wedding"

My Day/Thoughts

-English was a shit today! I stayed up most of the night writing my paper and proof reading it, then he tells the whole class rewrite your paper and turn it in on monday! I could of spent that essay writing time studying for something else.
-Sociology quiz was cool! hahaha
-Watched Boy Meets World to kill some time.
-Sci con was boring! Watched K react with water and BANG! EXPLOSION! haha People thought that she was going to cancel class and she did cancel her first class but not her second one. Guess which one i was in.
-I never knew that they had a specific office to see whether your classes are cancelled. What a waste of space!
-Michelle drew this cool tatoo of a star. Haha my mom and dad saw it and my mom screamed. She said NO TATTOOS!. Then my dad about 10 minutes ago said..WTF is on your arm? You think Your badass now? haha i told you Michelle that he would say that =P
-"Black Mode!"
-Dennis had a birthday dinner @ Friday's! It was good. Freaking Matt ate sugar death! haha I said "Get this guy another balloon!" haha
-Went back to Kris' house. Kris finished his hmwk @ 9:59 haha lucky ass!
-Went to Matt's house and chilled and played pool.
-" Holy shit man you got to get on that"
-Matisyahu "King without a Crown" the one they play on Kroq
-After a month or so, i have learned to listen to numerous things and have learned to be there for my friends.
-WOW now i feel like some people are being sneaky! Hmm that kinda annoys me. Its like hitting me in the back with a bat. I'd rather have people just do it in front of my face. Or just say the things you have to say, just dont whisper it.
-Im confused!...what the hell is going on!
-Food log and i didnt shoot freethrows today.
-Tried to give money to that bum near the 110 entrance, but it wasnt the same one. So i said forget that guy!
- Bless you, Bless you, peanut butter! haha i guess it does kinda work!
-Ryan and Jun came to visit today hahaha. Good times.
-Oh crap haha i still gotta send Roxy some info for psych!
-Clippers won and Dallas' streak is over! woo hoo
-"Dude we should go over to someones house and watch a movie. I'll get Bambi!" hahahaha
-I should wash Delilah, play with my dogs, and empty out my old toys.
-Played guitar not just any guitar, electrical guitar! That felt really good after this whole week of acoustic.
-I think System of a Down is getting emo! haha
-You better not fuck up!

Tomorrow is another day where i can try and get away!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

My Day was not Gay well thats what i'd say! =P

-Woke up around 5:5ish because Neldinne kept taking that blanket and she actually freaking kneed me in the lower back! hahaha I only got 5 hours of sleep lol!
-Went to school where we listened to kevin and bean. Man those guys are funny! They were mad dawgin Joan Rivers? is that her name anywho they were making fun of her hardcore and they had clips to prove it hahaha.
-No psychology today!
-took a nap in Michelle and Neldinne's room.
-Went to Physio. I actually kinda understood something. Hypersmotic and isomotic and stuff like that.
-Went to BHHS to play volleyball and coach! I ran a back one and hit this kid one kid in the head. I felt kinda bad but it kinda wasnt my fault. The stupid outside hitter didnt even jump to block, so dont blame me. Oh yea Chris hit the same guy i hit too in the face.
-Going back to MSMC i saw a car overheating
-I heard "If I Were You" by hoobastank again! Awesome song!
-Played basketball! It was Jim and Neldinne vs. Me and michelle! We had them 6-4, but i wanted Michelle to take the last shot so we lost 9-7! hahaha its ok nice try next time =P I made 9/10 freethrows and 39/50! haha not bad huh?
-No wonder they call them bugs because they bug...you! hahahaha
-Watched the OC tonight.
-Watched Grey's Anatomy. It was pretty good ! and intense! yea code black means that theres a bomb. and there was a bomb in one of the patients and this young nurse had her hand on the bomb inside the guy to keep it stabilized. if she moved her hand , then it would explode. and then in the OR next to them one of the Drs was performing open brain surgery and then there was this one girl having a baby and and the guy who was having the open brain surgery was the husdband of the girl having the baby but the mother didnt know about it so then the girl that had her hand on the bomb was with another doctor then the doctor told her how to use the breathing thing you know the pump that gives you air from your mouth well he told her to hold it and he just left the girl pumping the air and having her hand over the bomb so then some other nurses came in and the young girl started to freak out so she took her hand out and ran out then one of the nurses, i think one of the main characters, sticks her hand in the guy to stabilize the bomb and now shes in deep shit! conclusion this sunday! hahaha
-We are all here for you Michelle and i will pray for you and your family!
- Boba Lora! haha
-SHIT HAPPENS...really true!
-Im going home tomorrow
-i like it when students from high schools come to visit MSMC and then look at me or jim or jerome and say..."HEY ITS A BOY!" or "WHAT ARE GUYS DOING HERE?"
-*clap clap* OINK! i mean MOO!
-Freaking English paper
-No tennis today!
-Oh yea im going home tomorrow!
-When the hell do we get monday off! im confuzzled!
-we saw ducks flying in a V
-I saw a doe and a deer, not just any deer a female deer! Then i saw a ray and it freaking hit me in the eye! ahaha
-I dont know what else to write about
-Just remembered i have to look up some psych questions

I should bust a cap in your ass! hahaha

its about connections.....

"I came, I saw, I left"

My Day/Thoughts

-Haha i decided to blog right now @ 5:55 because i cant sleep =p. Well someone took all the blanket so my feet are cold haha
-English was ok.
-Sociology was ok
-Sci con was ok. I had a quiz today. I forgot tha that PB was lead. I thought it was Plubonium! haha
-Killed some time by listening to songs on Michelle's Ipod. Devotion and Teddy Greiger are good.
-Physio lab was short. Well we had to wait and hour to text osmosis, tonicity, and diffusion.
Pretty cool. I kept chopping the celery and pretended like i was a chef lol.
-Shot my free throws with Michelle and Neldinne. I made 38/50, then 5/10 haha.
-Played tennis with Michelle and Neldinne. It was fun, i actually didnt do bad and neither did them. I got my back hand down lol. We should play more, like maybe tomorrow if we have nothing to do.
-After that we decided to go out and eat. Freaking Michelle kept telling me wrong directions haha and Neldinne saying yea make a right...make a left! haha it was funny.
-Ate at BJ's. Ordered a PEE-CHA! Pizza. Jim ate the most, that fat ass haha.
-After that we went to Boba Loca. Someone thought that it was Boba Lora. Haha well i guess you can say that you were kinda right because the lower part of the r was faded making it look like a c. Haha im not letting that one go. Jim never had Boba before and im like wow and your asian. So we recorded him and his first boba experience haha. He finished before me and i got a large one too. I got vanilla shake with boba. It was really quiet in there. I wanted to yell FUCK UCLA haha but i was too scared.
-Played volleyball on the basketball court of UJ. Haha that was fun. Why do you always have to kill the rally michelle huh?
-After that went back to my dorm. Michelle uploaded alot of random songs and a clip of her nephew doing a weird dance haha.
-Put stickers of flowers on our face. After that we hungout at the dorm and started marking eachother with pen. Haha i dont know, but i got the worst of it. Freaking Neldinne takes one of those ink stamps with my address on it and stamps my arm and smears it. So i take some and smear it on Jim, Michelle, and Neldinne and say...now were all in it together. I wrote on jim..Property of Brennan Maatubang Torres haha. Thas right.
-Michelle and i tried to pretend that we were conjoined twins from the head. Haha we walked around and tried putting on a shirt. Props to those conjoined twins.
-After that we tried playing that one game where someone is an animal and you have to do your sign then the other person's sign haha. I lost because i suck at those games.
-So we everyone took a nap, and realized that it was 12:30 so yea sleepover and here we are now.
-The tent is here and i dont know why its here haha.
-That was fun because after today its going to be like total lock down for everyone until next thurs @ 12:50.
-I would post some pictures, but i run the risk of losing internet connections.
-It was freaking hot as hell yesterday and i wore PJs, but sssshhhhh dont tell my mom =P
-you know what sorry people that lie to you and you know it and they do it right in front of your face.
-Mentirosa..haha i think thats how they say it in the song.
-No psych class today, so i only have physio.
-Volleyball tomorrow i mean today.
-Haha you like that scary lullaby song? Haha couldnt sleep huh?
-The tree does want to be a pinecone.
-Listerine stings haha.
-My butt and hamstrings hurt from the loop!

well last night was fun!

i have more to write about but im too lazy to write about it.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Knock! Knock!
Who's There?
Amnesia Who?
Oh, I see you have it too! =P


-Im blogging kinda early because i gotta to study
-Psychology was ok. Haha we saw pictures of babies getting circumcised right after birth. Made me cringe and hold my package a lil bit.
-Physio hahaha this was funny. We get in there and she said "put everything away. Pop Quiz" haha everyone was freaking out. Not me...i was pissing my pants haha. After we took that pop quiz, she said that it wasnt so that was a relief. I realized that i should start studying other stuff instead of glycolysis and krebs cycle.
-Worked on psych project, well kinda.
-Ran the loop with Nick and Roxy. Haha nothing quenches your thrist like nice warm water after running =P
-Looked at Santa Monica beach throught the binoculars provided next to the cafe. Awesome view but there was a layer of smog over the ocean.
-Scared Michelle haha thats right. I hid under the bed and grabbed her foot!
-"Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat"
-Shot my freethrows. I went 4/10 i think.
-Tennis tomorrow?
-I can get on aim, but not the internet. More like INTER-NOT! eh eh. Well some people get it haha.
-Cant think of any lyrics for any of my songs....a lil help!
-I guess im a good friend...
-Dont be afraid to talk to me!
-I drank V8 juice kinda warm. MMMMMM shit!
-Tomorrow sci con quiz, and lab.
-Haha 2 people have asked me to teach them how to play the guitar haha.
-Haha Jerome was a space man today!
-"If I Were You" by Hoobastank
-Tent transportation tomorrow hahaha.
-"Oh we're going...to a hukilau, a huki huki huki huki hukilau..."
-Cheer up old sport!
-Did the lakers win?
-I think i missed Supernatural again!
-" I got guy friends that fuck other guys..................in jail"

the end is also the beginning.

retal oy!

Monday, February 06, 2006



-We had an english presentation today. Haha he told me that i had to rehearse more hahaha. Atleast i got my points through. See i can wing it =P
-Sociology was ok.
-Sci con was ok. She threw out some formulas that i nveer knew existed except for the speed of light one.
-I ate the choclotate covered gummy bears in that class haha. Thanks for buying it for me!
-Shot free throws today. Freaking Michelle hit me in the face with a basketball! haha jerkface!
-Dipped my feet in the pool today where freaking Neldinne throws a tennis ball at my 6-pack haha.
-Someone is freaking OCD! Haha i stepped on the gummie bears and then ate it! Did that freak you out?
-Cant believed we all fit in that freaking small tent haha. I need to see that picture!
-Coach's meeting was extremly long. Haha the parents got told today. They wanted to try and help out with the teams, but the coaches did bring up good points. For example if the parents get too involved, then they might end up trying to coach. Another good point was that the coaches didnt want to just give out names and addresses to random adults who are helping. Haha i guess i kinda listened.
-"Im just the nuts in your bedpost...."
-"We're always sniffing ink and seeping for the roll tear...WHAT THE FUCK!?" haha
-Dude why you gotta be a lil bitch! lol
-i'd rather be a face than a jerk haha
-THIS INTERNET SHIT IS PISSING ME OFF! We are paying for the fucking dorms, and everyone has shit to do. We just cant keep coming to the lab every night! Rich mutherfuckers get your internet routers fixed!
-I ate a freaking huge Yan Yan!
-I also ate mini gummy bears!
-I freaking ate alot of candy today!
-Almost slept for 2 hours....slept for an hour 45.
-"Thats a lawsuit..." hahaha
-Havent played my guitar in a while.
-FOGGY AS HECK last night.
-I should workout, but i dont feel like it. Im feeling like i should devote more time studying now.
-I just remembered...people @ UJ never say thank you if you hold the door for them. Next time im just going to slam the door on their face haha.
-it was hot today. First it was windy then the wind died. I never knew people whistled for the wind.

today wasnt that interesting, but whatever.
night night

Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately it kills all its students!"

Most of you watched the Super Bowl today, well i watched the sunset in Laughlin....

My Day/Thoughts
- Slept around 1:something. Then woke up around 4 and left at 4:30. How the heck did you sleep @ 3 and wake up @ 6:30? Haha my eyes were bloodshot red!
-Looked at a shit load of houses from 9-5. No breaks or anything! Haha i wanted to just collapse on the freaking model beds. Jim Foster, good guy, showed us a map of the land. Freaking Indians own like everything. The houses were pretty nice, well most of them. I want a Casseta<---spelling. It like a separate room from the house. It has it own bano and kitchen! It was awesome. Some had a 3 car garage 60 feet in depth! Im like shit lets make a bowling ally =P. Hmm after about 20+ properties, we just found a big ass lot. My parents decided to build a "Golden Eagle". Really nice house! So i dont know if my dads moving or just moving his stuff or if they are both buying it just as a get away house...i dont know!

Well around the 6th or 7th house i looked
at the ground and saw this! It was a baby owl. It fell off a tree! When i looked at it i thought it was dead, but after i looked closer it was scared. I felt really bad for it. It lost one of its eyes and it was in a praying position. It looked really sad =[ I wanted to give it one of my eyes......

Awww i hope that wildlife saved you!
Its really cute haha. Makes me want to be a vet even more!

-Slept alot. I dunno how long i slept for. I remember i slept for an hour on a couch hahaha.
-It was freaking windy over there. Me and my dad had a spitting contest. haha he spit the furthest =P
-Mom annoyed me a little bit because she kept asking the same dam question on the same property. "How big is the lot?"
-For some reason i felt physically out of it today.
-English presentation tomorrow which i am not ready for.
-Volleyball meeting tomorrow @ 4
-Freaking cd my mom played. I fell asleep to this one song. Then 3 hours later i wake up to the same song! Haha i was like man how many freaking times did this thing play? My dad was like Shit i cant stand this cd!
-Then my dad was like Me and your mom were talking and she started bugging me, so i said hmmm why dont you go sleep =P haha. Thats my dad.
-Man back to UJ, they better off fixed that dam internet shit over there.
-Haha you bought a tent made by fischer price? haha thats cool! Hope it fits in my dorm lol.
-Pittsburgh freaking won! I called it like along time ago! hahaha congrats pitts! Troy Polamalululululululul!


later yo!

Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.

- Basketball today was ok. My shot is gone like the wind. I dont have it anymore. Its funny too. It was there when i didnt practice and now since i have to shoot a basketball for physio, its gone. This fucking annoying asian was there. I think his name was Ping or Pong or something. That fool started so much shit today! I wanted to come up and sock that fool! Free throws 3/20! wow
-Laundry mat! Freaking took 3 hours just to wash 3 things! Dam people kept taking the stupid machines.
-Dropped by my neighbors house just to hangout before he goes to Iraq.
-Went to Costa Mesa with Kris, Kristian, Kristine, Andrew, and Dennis. Went to Fashion Island i guess.
-Then went to Hooters. My right eye started to tear up after eating the 911 hot wings! haha I was like wtf! My right eye is watering but my left one isnt?!
-Drove UJ to pick up Jim. Went to Jerome's house and i raided his fridge, well there was nothing there, so i just ate some snacks.
-Went to John's party. Hukahed <---spelling. Now i have a major headache haha. I think its when i inhaled alot then i had to cough making me inhale it. Jim and Jerome drank and took some shots. Jerome has no tasted beer. Hahaha i kept saying PEER PRESSURE to Jim haha. Looks like it works.
-Ummm i dont think a real tent will fit in my dorm =P
-I really like my new song that i made up. I'll play it for you, just ask! No lyrics though haha still trying to work on that one.
-I wont get to watch the Superbowl =[ Go Pittsburgh!
-Physio is a bitch...again!
-I need a haircut!
-You let that spider go?
-Saw the bum today, and i wanted to give him money, but my light turned green. Next friday i swear!
-Someone almost made a girl cry! Man what a mean teacher you are =P

Right now
-Leaving for Laughlin @ 3 a.m. Dont think im going to sleep.
-I dont know what else to write about...

late yo

Thursday, February 02, 2006

-Psych was not that bad! We learned about babies and how they are born and stuff. That was pretty interesting. I never knew that a baby can be post mature!
-Physio was meh! I ate a strawberry shortcake ice cream before class to give me a sugar boost. I kinda understood translation, transcription, glycerol---> fatty acid, pyruvate----> glucose, and how fats and proteins are stored, and DNA and mRNA and all that good stuff. haha
-Dont want to go to english tomorrow!
-Ran THE LOOP with Jim, Jerome, Nel, and Michelle. Freaking tiring. I think my ankle is bad now. Everytime i plantar flex it starts to hurt.
-Shot my free throws. Made 6/10. I think my shots off, but whatever. Im not going to waste my time complaining about my shot. I played 21 with Jim and Jerome haha. Jim gave me a bukol! Shit that fucking hurt, but im a warrior i fought on haha.
-Got back and i asked Michelle for my water. So she throws it at me and i miss catching it and yea! It hits me in the funniest place where a man can get hit. In the nuts! haha jerome said my face was freaking red and yes that shit did hurt haha.
-Jerome took us to UJ. We took random pictures and sang songs. Haha elbow to the quad! =P
-Michelle, Nel, Jim, and I went to Jamba juice. So i went outside and this crazy lady comes up to me and start mumbling. Haha i just stood there and smiled. So i went back in and she opens the door and says something...i still dont even know a word that she said haha.
-Went to USC university hospital to pick up my TB test records for coaching. Haha i cranked up "Wanna Fuck A Dog" by Blink 182 and the security guard comes up and says...turn it down, this is a hospital! So i did haha im a lil bitch!
- Went to Diddy Reese. Their ice cream cookie sandwhiches are awesome.
-"Hey Jim, i'll give you 5 bucks if you grab that cops gun!"
-* that certain face with the spirit fingers* haha
-While i was running the loop, i tried carrying a cactus. Got pricked only 4 times. Impressive huh?
-My ankle and calves are freaking killing me!
-I get to go home tomorrow woo hoo!
-Missed the OC tonight. Oh well!
-Computer is out of control!

i think im done!

brain fart!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Make happy those who are near, and those who are far will come....

ok my day!/ Thoughts

- English was as usual meh! We were suppose to have a quiz today, but the computer wouldnt work properly. Haha i guess technology is our friend =P. Then he was like hmmm ok lets ask the guys questions. So he asked us if we had any questions and we didnt. So he accuses us of not reading the fucking poem! BITCH!
-Sociology was the same. I listened and stuff now. My master status is Friend, Son, Student. Whats yours?
-Sci con oh man. A good 5 minute lecture then shes off! So we watched a movie about atoms! Boring but whatever kills time.
-Physiology was good! haha we measured our resting heart rate. Mine was 77.2 just resting. So we exercised. We ran down and up the freaking mountain. Well being the weirdo i am i decided to sprint up the mountain, through the 5 levels of the parking structure, up those FREAKING STAIRS, and all the way up the Humanities building. So when i got there i was the only one freaking sweating since we had to do something for 10 minutes. Haha Jessica freaking walked to the deli for her exercise aha. So we had to see how long it would take us to return to our normal heart rate. I took my freaking heart rate 51 times and it still didnt return to my normal heart rate. So my teacher said just take this one haha. Then i asked its weird because i worked out everyday. Since our group ran up the hill and we were having a hard time bringing our heart rate down, someone, wont mention names, said that we (our group) should invest in workout machines. I turned to that person and said " ARE YOU TALKING TO US!?" haha no response. Shit fuck people who dont like you for you!
-I was a messy eater today, well not on purpse, but yea. Food got all over me. Hahah then jerome was like look at your crotch! Then i wiped the piece of fruit that was there i said " why are you looking at my crotch!" hahaha
-Played "shake the orange juice bottle and spin it and whomever its pointing to has to take a sip" game! Yea i had to drink most of it =]
-Played 21 with Jim and Jerome. So many tips today. I went tagalog style haha no slippers boi =P
-Roxy's having a party on saturday. Im going so far but well see if anything comes up!
-Some people thought i was abducted by aliens today. Haha at least you guys care for me lol.
-Sure you can build a tent in my dorm haha. *bring own materials*
-Now im the Assistant Head Coach! yay ::sarcasm to the max::
-Watched 40 Year Old Virgin! haha Jim Lim was getting into it haha.
-I think that my computer has something.
-"We freaking come all the way from another counrty just for you to get a B+!?" "Look at my face. Is this a happy face!?" hahahahaha
-Sofa king we todd did!
-I've put my extra time into music. Mostly the guitar.
-Physio tomorrow
-Loop day!
-Exercised for 30 minutes.
-Dirty kid right now!

BC PARTY! hahahahahahah its still funny!