Thursday, February 09, 2006

"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

My Day was not Gay well thats what i'd say! =P

-Woke up around 5:5ish because Neldinne kept taking that blanket and she actually freaking kneed me in the lower back! hahaha I only got 5 hours of sleep lol!
-Went to school where we listened to kevin and bean. Man those guys are funny! They were mad dawgin Joan Rivers? is that her name anywho they were making fun of her hardcore and they had clips to prove it hahaha.
-No psychology today!
-took a nap in Michelle and Neldinne's room.
-Went to Physio. I actually kinda understood something. Hypersmotic and isomotic and stuff like that.
-Went to BHHS to play volleyball and coach! I ran a back one and hit this kid one kid in the head. I felt kinda bad but it kinda wasnt my fault. The stupid outside hitter didnt even jump to block, so dont blame me. Oh yea Chris hit the same guy i hit too in the face.
-Going back to MSMC i saw a car overheating
-I heard "If I Were You" by hoobastank again! Awesome song!
-Played basketball! It was Jim and Neldinne vs. Me and michelle! We had them 6-4, but i wanted Michelle to take the last shot so we lost 9-7! hahaha its ok nice try next time =P I made 9/10 freethrows and 39/50! haha not bad huh?
-No wonder they call them bugs because they! hahahaha
-Watched the OC tonight.
-Watched Grey's Anatomy. It was pretty good ! and intense! yea code black means that theres a bomb. and there was a bomb in one of the patients and this young nurse had her hand on the bomb inside the guy to keep it stabilized. if she moved her hand , then it would explode. and then in the OR next to them one of the Drs was performing open brain surgery and then there was this one girl having a baby and and the guy who was having the open brain surgery was the husdband of the girl having the baby but the mother didnt know about it so then the girl that had her hand on the bomb was with another doctor then the doctor told her how to use the breathing thing you know the pump that gives you air from your mouth well he told her to hold it and he just left the girl pumping the air and having her hand over the bomb so then some other nurses came in and the young girl started to freak out so she took her hand out and ran out then one of the nurses, i think one of the main characters, sticks her hand in the guy to stabilize the bomb and now shes in deep shit! conclusion this sunday! hahaha
-We are all here for you Michelle and i will pray for you and your family!
- Boba Lora! haha
-SHIT HAPPENS...really true!
-Im going home tomorrow
-i like it when students from high schools come to visit MSMC and then look at me or jim or jerome and say..."HEY ITS A BOY!" or "WHAT ARE GUYS DOING HERE?"
-*clap clap* OINK! i mean MOO!
-Freaking English paper
-No tennis today!
-Oh yea im going home tomorrow!
-When the hell do we get monday off! im confuzzled!
-we saw ducks flying in a V
-I saw a doe and a deer, not just any deer a female deer! Then i saw a ray and it freaking hit me in the eye! ahaha
-I dont know what else to write about
-Just remembered i have to look up some psych questions

I should bust a cap in your ass! hahaha

its about connections.....


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