Saturday, February 25, 2006

If you can see your breath outide on a cold day, could you see your fart?

-English presentation was good haha. He told us that our time was up so i ended with "Ummm yea thats it" haha. He also picked on me also. Jim was on the computer while i was writing and he says to jim "Are you paying attention Brennan?....i mean Jim?" wtf
-Waited the whole day for my sociology quiz to be posted up, but it wasnt so i guess there was none.
-Played Uno with Michelle, Jerome, Neldinne, Grace, and Erika instead of going to Sci con. Haha i beat "Grace" but it was 2nd to the last.
-practice was good haha. I gotta watch my mouth. Muy Sucio!
-Played basketball at Walker. I think i did ok, but i was really lazy haha.

that was it yesterday!
blog later

-Had my mom draw blood from me, well try and draw blood. She missed both veins and on my hand! haha i told her after the first time, if she misses again she owes me $20, haha she hasnt paid me yet! But after the first one, she tried finding it with the needle in for a good minute or so. I told her to take it out, i felt like throwing up and felt light headed haha. Try again tomorrow...SHIT!
-Went to Santa Monica beach to play beach volleyball with the volleyball program. The weather was awesome today! Food was awesome too! Played volleyball for about a good 3 hours.
-Went back to Carson to shoot around with Kris and Kristine. I won p-i-g, but im a horse and pi? haha Kristine i like your new shot! It awesome haha but its ok if you sneak in a double handed shot when kris isnt looking =P "Make this or Behr will get ran over by my truck" haha
-Worked on my psych project. I cant find any stats on educational toys and its effects over a kids life.
-Ate dinner with my dad
-My dad cut my hair today
Dad:"Have a beer with me"
Me:"Ok, but shouldnt you cut my hair first?"
Dad: :long pause:..."OH shit good idea!"

hahaha thanks dad lol

-my mom doesnt like the fact that UJ doesnt want us back anymore. Plus she said that the dorms @ MSMC are small. Haha hey this might lead to an apartment! woo hoo!
-Cerveza and chicharon! awesome
-"Look at my this a happy face!?"

I remembered this convo me and kristian had

Me:"Its ok Kristian. How old are you? 10? 11? 12?
Kristian:" Im 15."
Me:"Hoooly shit man you got to get on that!"

Kris and a waiter @ Denny's

Waiter:"How would you like your eggs?"
Kris:"...what are my choices?"

haha wow you should of asked for medium rare eggs! lol

hab a noice noight!...maybe i'll write later


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