Thursday, February 09, 2006

"I came, I saw, I left"

My Day/Thoughts

-Haha i decided to blog right now @ 5:55 because i cant sleep =p. Well someone took all the blanket so my feet are cold haha
-English was ok.
-Sociology was ok
-Sci con was ok. I had a quiz today. I forgot tha that PB was lead. I thought it was Plubonium! haha
-Killed some time by listening to songs on Michelle's Ipod. Devotion and Teddy Greiger are good.
-Physio lab was short. Well we had to wait and hour to text osmosis, tonicity, and diffusion.
Pretty cool. I kept chopping the celery and pretended like i was a chef lol.
-Shot my free throws with Michelle and Neldinne. I made 38/50, then 5/10 haha.
-Played tennis with Michelle and Neldinne. It was fun, i actually didnt do bad and neither did them. I got my back hand down lol. We should play more, like maybe tomorrow if we have nothing to do.
-After that we decided to go out and eat. Freaking Michelle kept telling me wrong directions haha and Neldinne saying yea make a right...make a left! haha it was funny.
-Ate at BJ's. Ordered a PEE-CHA! Pizza. Jim ate the most, that fat ass haha.
-After that we went to Boba Loca. Someone thought that it was Boba Lora. Haha well i guess you can say that you were kinda right because the lower part of the r was faded making it look like a c. Haha im not letting that one go. Jim never had Boba before and im like wow and your asian. So we recorded him and his first boba experience haha. He finished before me and i got a large one too. I got vanilla shake with boba. It was really quiet in there. I wanted to yell FUCK UCLA haha but i was too scared.
-Played volleyball on the basketball court of UJ. Haha that was fun. Why do you always have to kill the rally michelle huh?
-After that went back to my dorm. Michelle uploaded alot of random songs and a clip of her nephew doing a weird dance haha.
-Put stickers of flowers on our face. After that we hungout at the dorm and started marking eachother with pen. Haha i dont know, but i got the worst of it. Freaking Neldinne takes one of those ink stamps with my address on it and stamps my arm and smears it. So i take some and smear it on Jim, Michelle, and Neldinne and were all in it together. I wrote on jim..Property of Brennan Maatubang Torres haha. Thas right.
-Michelle and i tried to pretend that we were conjoined twins from the head. Haha we walked around and tried putting on a shirt. Props to those conjoined twins.
-After that we tried playing that one game where someone is an animal and you have to do your sign then the other person's sign haha. I lost because i suck at those games.
-So we everyone took a nap, and realized that it was 12:30 so yea sleepover and here we are now.
-The tent is here and i dont know why its here haha.
-That was fun because after today its going to be like total lock down for everyone until next thurs @ 12:50.
-I would post some pictures, but i run the risk of losing internet connections.
-It was freaking hot as hell yesterday and i wore PJs, but sssshhhhh dont tell my mom =P
-you know what sorry people that lie to you and you know it and they do it right in front of your face.
-Mentirosa..haha i think thats how they say it in the song.
-No psych class today, so i only have physio.
-Volleyball tomorrow i mean today.
-Haha you like that scary lullaby song? Haha couldnt sleep huh?
-The tree does want to be a pinecone.
-Listerine stings haha.
-My butt and hamstrings hurt from the loop!

well last night was fun!

i have more to write about but im too lazy to write about it.


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