Monday, February 20, 2006

Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If that person isn't there the first time you need him, chances are you won't be needing him again...

wow thats really true

my day
-Put all that stuff down there back into the new closets
-Napped for about 30 minutes
-Basketball. Offense was shit today. I hurt my knee again kinda. I went up in the air for a rebound, then someone kicked my knee, so it hurts when i flex it. I think my defense was good today, but i gotta work on my O. I like it better indoor. Oh yea i got blocked alot today! Someone fucking elbowed me, got hit in the mouth, and accidentally hit someone in the face.haha the end
-My mom just made these buttered quesadillas. It was really good, i havent had those in 5 years i think. So it was really good.
-My mom asked if i had a test this week. I said yes. My comeback would of been...i wasted all my study time for the cabinets..haha stupid lol.
-Hmmm still have to pack.
-4 day school week.
-BBQ tomorrow. Nick's b'day. Haha how the hell am i going to get there haha mucho traffico!
- haha bitch's running wild man! hahahahahaha
-Mamoth trip..cant wait!
-My mom showed me my pilot jacket today hahaha. Look at that and my shoes. Haha look how small it is compared to my normal jacket hahaha. Then my mom said you want to see your favorite blanket. I said umm its ok haha it might be embarassing. Oh yea and i found my helmet from when i was small. It was a nija turtles one haha. Danny, Kristine, and kris saw it.

Love and care with a care bear stare! Piece!


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