Monday, February 13, 2006

The internet is really really great.......for porn! I got a fast connection so i dont have to wait....for porn. theres always some new site.....for porn, i browse all day and night....for porn, its like im surfing at the speed of light....for porn!

The internet is for porn -Avenue Q


My day

-English haha it was funny. He was talking about the way women were treated back then. Like objects. Haha he also said nigger, jew, dirty mexican, and some other stuff.
-Sociology was meh. We had to bring in pictures with us in them. Haha my family is my Primary group and my friends are my primary/secondary ones.
-Sci con. I got an A on that quiz. Learned chemistry stuff.
-Haha im not invited to your wedding? haha jerk
-Ate 2 polvorons
-Colour Me Life
-Talked with some of the spohmores and chilled with them. " Hey dude whatsup" <--- did you know saying that to your patients during assesments can get you in trouble?
-"Gosh why dont you two just makeout already" hahahahaha
-"Thats orange juice. Hi my name is Brennan!" haha
- Just stare them straight in the eye when you put that thing up the urethra <--spelling.
-Went to the mall to see if the had any sales. Went to the bathroom and saw two people going up to the freaking towel paper dispenser. It says wave here and they freaking pushed the censor hahaha stupid. Then they wave underneath it. I was going to say hey stupid wave it over the censor hahaha.
-Studied at the Cerritos library. Took a nap and woke up to that stupid annoying speaker saying" Storytime in the kids section right now"
-Went home and no one was there. Dad went to Laughlin.
-Went to Kris'. Happy Birthday auntie Tela and thanks for the shirts. Man we look like Fobs with our basketball jerseys and they are kinda long haha.
-Went to ACN meeting. It was good. People made alot of money. The more people the more money. Its like a pyramid and stuff. I dunno im still thinking about it. What if i screw my friends over? Is the phone service reliable? and all that stuff. When the guy was talking this one asian guy was like HAHAHA out loud at every joke. I was like WTF is that guy on. haha Then there were people humming? Wtf this isnt a black community church. haha
-Coming home this fucker in a shit van wouldnt let me merge.
-Like your away message? hahaha
-Freaking i had lyrics while i was driving haha but now its gone.
-Physio tomorrow shoot me por favor.
-Shut up! shut up! dont want to hear it....
-First volleyball practice tomorrow! Oh man lol.
-Do i look mean? haha only when i want to be and if your on my bad side!
-you dont think i can be gangster? what is up homie B, busy like a Bee! YES!
- I like my hair the way it is right now! im going to keep it this length.
-My mom doesnt like the idea of me coaching and the phone thing.

say so long, say goodnight, and just throw out your catch me when i fall into the night.


At 9:34 PM , Blogger TINE said...

Brennan, your Blogs are long.
Like your hair.


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