Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Pictures speak louder than words. Because some words are big and hard to understand''

past two days hhmmmm mostly was studying.

on wed i had a physiolab and we took urine samples. Haha i had too much glucose. Then drank diet soda and then recorded my urine sample. My uroblinogen went from normal to 4, bilirubin went from negative to positive, and i had some hemoglobbin! Hahah hopefully one day i will understand what those things are =P

studied for physio test which we took today. It wasnt that bad. I hope i did good, i mean i answered most of the questions during my first time hoping for the best.

today i had my midterm. Went to practice only to leave early because of an incident between friends. We are all here, we know that you're mad, and everyone is sorry for what they have done.

played a pick up game with 2 random people. lost 7-6 but its ok. Next time. They invited me to play tackle football with them if i had time. Haha i said ok i'll play next time with them.

Haha friends wanted to go to a gay club haha. i didnt want to, so they went to a straight one.

Caught up on my sleep tonight a lil bit. Felt good but this stupid guy outside with his freaking accordian kept playing so i decided not to sleep anymore.

Im going to skip english and sci con tomorrow. Im just going to be at school for the soc debate.

oh yea i was socked in the stomach today haha. Nice reflexes =P

Dunno whats up for the weekend but im up for it! Unless my parents tell me not to go anywhere haha.

I had too much interstitial fluid in my hands today! haha

Why is it so hard to open a dam gatorade bottle?

Played my guitar for the first time this week.

The Reason by Hoobastank sounds really good after not hearing it for like a while...

Still gotta pack and stuff!

so i will end this............

----->here! nite!


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