Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Love is like wet cement-the longer you stay, the harder it is to get out. And, when you finally do get out, you always leave your shoes behind." -Anonymous

Well since it was valentines day/S.A.D. day i decided to put a different quote up.

Mi Dia!

-School was school. When we did a review for physio, i was like wow i gotta start studying hardcore for everything now! Hmmm had a fruit parfitt <--spelling. It was good.
-Started drinking alot of water and fluids for tomorrow. Haha urine testing tomorrow for physiology lab.
-I had my first practice today @ BHHS for volleyball. I conditioned with them. We ran bleachers and ran 3 laps around the track. I went to the districts office to get my secondary paperwork. Holy shit man that thing was thick. I need to get my fingerprints and shit over the weekend. Plus i need to take a safety course online about how to be safe and stuff. No blood no harm haha j/k. Played king of the court with my team. We freaking lost haha. One of the guys couldnt pass a freeball haha but its ok.
-Traffic was shit today! I fucking hated the ride back to the dorm! I got into an argument with this one black guy today and this is how it went. Apparently i crossed the line????

*Black guy pulls up next to me*
Black guy: "mumble mumble mumble"
Me: "huh?"
BG: "Mumble mumble line!"
Me:" HUH?!?"
BG:"You heard what the fuck i said!"
Me:" Fuck you, just keep driving. you're holding up traffic!"
BG:" Why i oughta just get out and sock you!"
Me:" Fuck you. Just keep fucking driving!"

so yea thats how that went. Then 2 people cut me off today like without even signalling. I wanted to ram them. I guess i was just frustrated with traffic. It usually takes me 30 minutes to get back. Today it took a good 2 hours. Then when i took the mountain way to get back to UJ, it was fucking packed too!
-Got back to the dorm and ate. Met this freshman at UJ in the Berg. We talked about astronomy. Hes undecided, but wants to do something in the sciences.
-Jim and Nick came over and chilled.
-Took a 4 hour nap haha that put me way behind schedule tonight. I swear my phone alarm doesnt work, or i guess i just slept through it, but it was right next to my ear! I dunno maybe im a deaf!
-Started studying around 11:25.
-Here i am now its about 1:26 and im taking a break before english hmwk.
- Havent touched my guitar in a while. After thursday haha.
-You're the j/f.
-So you think my blogs are long huh? Well i'll make them longer then haha.
-Haha might post up some youtube videos of some songs that Jerome and I are playing.
-Havent shot my free throws yet haha. I think thats like 240 now that i have to shoot.
-I keep looking at that tent and still wonder...why the hell is it here again? hahahaha
-I think im going to come with my hair down tomorrow and maybe pajamas haha. Im getting too lazy making my hair stand up and look all crazy like a sea anenome! haha
-Neldinne was mean to me today hahaha. She punched me and made fun of the way i looked and stuff like that. But its ok! haha im use to it now haha.
-Dam Amino acids!
-Glucose-->Glucose 6 phosphate-->Fructose 6 phosophate-->Fructose 1,6 biphosphate--> Glyceraldehyde 3 phosophate-->1,3 Biphosophoglycerate-->3 phosophoglycerate-->2 Phosophoglycerate-->1 phosophoglycerate-->Phosphenol pyruvate--> pyruvate
-If You Were Gay- Avenue Q

-listening to Matisyahu live at stubbs on my ipod
-English is a bitch, after that physio until im sleepy

what time is it? Hmwk haha wow its 1:46 now hahahaha!


At 8:42 PM , Blogger TINE said...

crazy sea anemone rhymes.
I wish I were a clownfish so that I could touch you without getting stung.


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