Monday, February 27, 2006

If it weren't for pick-pocketers I'd have no sex life at all. (Rodney Dangerfield) haha isnt that funny?

-My mom drew some blood this morning. So i exercised for about 30 minutes to get the blood flowing. Haha she freaking missed again with the butterfly needle, so we used the ceringe and she finally got my vein. I felt like a practice dummy for my mom. I asked her how come she missed so much. Then she said i havent drawn blood for a long time, I just ask the nurses to get the blood. OH GREAT. The blood tests were negative so everything is good.
-Helped my dad with the garage.
-Took a 3 hour nap. Dad wanted to know why i was sleeping and not studying haha.
-Watched this one chinese show. It was mostly focused on dogs and how they would react if their owners died while walking them. This one dog stayed with the owner and laid on top of him and started crying. Haha the other dogs sniffed and ran away, while this one dog actually pissed on the owner haha.
-Drove back to the dorm and missed half of Grey's Anatomy.
-Bought Nel and Michelle In-N-Out. Thanks for the sunflower crackers yo!
-I have to stop cussing haha
-"Holy shit, you look like 200lbs of bird shit!" haha



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