Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Knock! Knock!
Who's There?
Amnesia Who?
Oh, I see you have it too! =P


-Im blogging kinda early because i gotta to study
-Psychology was ok. Haha we saw pictures of babies getting circumcised right after birth. Made me cringe and hold my package a lil bit.
-Physio hahaha this was funny. We get in there and she said "put everything away. Pop Quiz" haha everyone was freaking out. Not me...i was pissing my pants haha. After we took that pop quiz, she said that it wasnt so that was a relief. I realized that i should start studying other stuff instead of glycolysis and krebs cycle.
-Worked on psych project, well kinda.
-Ran the loop with Nick and Roxy. Haha nothing quenches your thrist like nice warm water after running =P
-Looked at Santa Monica beach throught the binoculars provided next to the cafe. Awesome view but there was a layer of smog over the ocean.
-Scared Michelle haha thats right. I hid under the bed and grabbed her foot!
-"Do the peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat"
-Shot my freethrows. I went 4/10 i think.
-Tennis tomorrow?
-I can get on aim, but not the internet. More like INTER-NOT! eh eh. Well some people get it haha.
-Cant think of any lyrics for any of my songs....a lil help!
-I guess im a good friend...
-Dont be afraid to talk to me!
-I drank V8 juice kinda warm. MMMMMM shit!
-Tomorrow sci con quiz, and lab.
-Haha 2 people have asked me to teach them how to play the guitar haha.
-Haha Jerome was a space man today!
-"If I Were You" by Hoobastank
-Tent transportation tomorrow hahaha.
-"Oh we're going...to a hukilau, a huki huki huki huki hukilau..."
-Cheer up old sport!
-Did the lakers win?
-I think i missed Supernatural again!
-" I got guy friends that fuck other guys..................in jail"

the end is also the beginning.

retal oy!


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