Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"SAFETY FIRST: Please put on your seat belt - prepare for accident." - Sign on backseat of Taxi

haha i find that quote really funny and hilarious!

My day/ thoughts

-Psychology was kinda funny and disturbing. It was disturbing in a sense that i had to learn ways of how a baby could be born. One of the methods was nasty. I forgot what it was called, but when the women's vagina cant open up they make an incision that makes it bigger! Then Mr. Brogan shows us a freaking picture which didnt help at all hahaha.
-Physiology aka the subject from hell was freaking boring/confusing. It was like CHEMISTRY/ANATOMY/MICROBIOLOGY <---- if you dont know that class almost got me kicked out of the school so yea! Well my face looked like hmm, well you know when you see something so shocking like in disgust? yea that was my face during the physio lecture. Well lab is tomorrow so yea that should be better.
-After school i went to Beverly Hills High School. So we decided to meet players and coaches. We talked about practice and stuff and the usual things before a season starts. The game schedule is pretty nice except for the games on wed and fri, but its ok. Off the top of my head i think we play Torrance, North Torrance, Santa Monica, Whittier Christian, and i think South Torrance? Haha those are some teams, but yea. They were thinking about the Bosco tournament this year, i said ok, but theres going to be powerhouse teams there and they thought it over and i dunno i guess not!

So we discussed our plans as a whole program. Then i talked to Kobe, the white guy. We talked about how its going to work out. Turns out hes a teacher there and he has priority because he has his credentials. So being the nice person i am, i let him coach with me. BUT its fucking bullshit. I dont think he was suppose to coach this year but aaahhh! i dont know. So he said that the most we can probably get is $4-500 dollars. But whatever its ok! Im doing this to help my dad, even though a little money can help.

-The internet sucks here or maybe its my computer. im in the lab right now and it feels good! haha no more " No Page To Be Displayed" bullshit.
-Played basketball with Jim and Jerome. Played them 2-on-1 again. Haha they beat me haha. It was 4-0 me. Then they caught up and beat me 6-4 haha. Im like hey lets play again that was fun. Haha Jerome was like...man your messing with us....and jim said you stopped trying. So we played again and they beat me 5-3. So i asked them to play again. I beat them 5-1 hahahaa. Beat me once good for you, beat me twice sucks for me, beat me three times MAN I SUCK! =P
-Movie night tomorrow :)
-Haha Jerome want to go out and " Pimp it" haha. I said uhhh yea ok one of these weekends haha.
-Man i hate it when people bring up relationships. Freaking everyone starts getting emo and shit. I dunno. WHATEVER HAPPENS HAPPENS!
-Cool people from Colorado invade our dorms...pretty nice fellows.
-" You taste like soot and poop!" haha
-Took an unusaul 2 hour nap. Missed Supernatural damit! i turned off my alarm 3 times, but when you're tired you're tired.

* i post two blogs yesterday because one was my original, and the other one was made because of the stupid internet. Freaking Michelle why dont you blind everyone with the blue font =P*

okie dokie aya chokie!
Buenos noches amigos!

“The swiftest bridge that was ever built is the one that connects friendship and love, for it is constructed in a moment.”

I got this quote from a book that Jim gave me

My Day/Thoughts
Well this morning I felt like trying something new. I wore pajamas to school today! Haha really comfortable. I might try this again, but it might become a habit! I remember my mom telling me not to wear pjs to school because I would embarrass myself in front of the girls haha. Oh well if I did.
English was crap. We didn’t have a quiz today. So I read that freaking 50 page poem for nothing. Oh well I guess its good because I probably wouldn’t of read it if we weren’t threatened with a quiz. So I started to doze off and all of a sudden my teacher mentions Brad Pitt and this other guy trying to win me! I was like im not gay and out of all the girls in the class he picks one of the three guys.
Sociology class was pretty cool because we watched a movie. It was on women and how their values go down through advertising. Haha Funny ad was when this girl was walking in an ally by herself and a shadow was following her. Then it said ROMANCE. Haha if I saw a shadow following me in an ally the first thing I wouldn’t think about would be romance haha.
Scientific concepts was really blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Then it became meh and then more blah blah blah. Haha but we have a cool teacher.
Then chilled with Neldinne and watched random flash videos. Underground.com is a really cool site. Check it out. ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!
-Shot free throws today for Physio. 8/10 woo hoo!
-I would never yell at someone unless they are pissing me off!
-Played guitar and made two songs. Now it just needs lyrics. Wanna help?
- B C party haha. Jerome and Jim know what im talking about
-Decided to take a nap and guess what. Someone thought that it would be funny to take a highlighter and write HELLO on my arm and my foot! Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on me! Hahaha i'll get you back! I know where you dorm =P
- Played Operation on Grace’s phone
- There were dogs barking outside. I don’t want to go out there, because I came to UJ late one night and I heard a wolf howling over the hill next to the parking lot while I was unloading.
-Jerome took us home. On the ride I decided to take 2 cylindrical pillows and fold one and stick the other one throught the folded one. Yea it formed a penis. So I stuck it out the window when we were at a red light and started rubbing it! Hahaha everyone was looking at me hahaha that was funny.
-“I have never had sex, but I can still fuck you up!”
-Movie night on wed
-Don’t want to read physio.
-Freaking old people moved in on the second floor and some young people on the first. Haha Crystal was worried because she thinks that the old guys are creepy.
-Freaking internet is really stupid. Stupid people downstairs get off the internet now!
-Sportfest bitches
-Thank you Michelle for posting this.
-I swear I had more to write about, but the freaking internet is really stupid and deleted everything. I opened up word and the fucking thing says can not display internet page. Brennan out!
This is from Michelle: see if you can decode it: HRNIEABNN... are u zen now?

Monday, January 30, 2006

" The swiftest bridge that was ever built is the one that connects friendship and love, for it is constructed in a moment."

i got this quote from a book that Jim Lim gave to me haha. Pretty true huh?

My Day/ Thoughts

-Well this morning i felt like trying something new. I wore pajamas to school today! Haha it was really comfortable. I might do that again this week but it might become a habit. Haha it reminded me of my mom giving me a lecture. It was about wearing pjs to school and how im going to be embarassing in front of the girls haha. Its ok if they are.
-English was sssssssttttttttuuuuuuuuuuppppppppiiiiiiiiidddddd! We didnt have a freaking quiz today. So i read a 50 page poem for nothing. Oh well i guess that it was ok since i probably wouldnt of read it if there wasnt a quiz. Then i kinda dozed off when my teacher used me as an example. He said something about Brad Pitt and another guy fighting to win me! I was thinking oh great out of all the girls in the class he picks me! haha
-Sociology was pretty interesting, well because there was a movie. It was basically about how women are exploited and how their values go down throught advertising. I must admit i was kinda uncomfortable, but whatever. There was this one ad. It was advertising Jeans, but the girl wasnt wearing any hahahaha. Ok so i thought that was funny!
- Scientific concepts was blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah Blah and maybe a little meh, but mostly blah blah blah. The teacher is pretty cool though!
-Oh yea i havent written in my food log yet.
-I would never yell at people unless they really piss me OUT! haha
-Played some guitar to kill some time. I made up two songs that Neldinne said were really nice and soothing. Now i just need some lyrics.
-Hahaha when you see a shadow following you whats the first thing you think about. ROMANCE hahaha! It was on the sociology video! Funny ad!
-Watched some weird ass flash videos with Neldinne to kill sometime. Haha underground.com is a cool site check it out.
-Shot my free throws today. Did so much better. 8/10 woo hoo!
-Called random people on Jeromes phone and just wanted to say hi! Haha sorry to that one person that i woke up and that was sick. I promise i will kick Jerome in the nuts haha.
-Took a nap and guess what. Someone decided that it would be funny and take a highlighter and write HELLO and something else on my foot and my arm! Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice uhhh shame on me lol.
-Went to the cafe and played Operation on Grace's phone.
-B C party hahaha Jim and Jerome know what im talking about.
-Jerome took us back and he had to cylindrical pillows. So i decide to fold one in half and take the other one and put it through the one that was folded. So yea it formed a penis with balls. Haha and being the weirdo that i am, i held it outside of the car and started rubbing it! hahahaha it was funny everyone was looking.
-Freaking Old people moved in on the second floor and freaking younger people moved in on the first. DAM they are taking the internet jerks. I dont even know why they are here. This is our building bitch. Haha Crystal was like " Why are there old people living on the second floor?" haha she made them sound like pre-verts! haha
-Dont want to read Physio. We are going so fast in physio, its like by the end of next week we will have read the whole book!
-CLIPPERS could of beat the HEAT!
-Alot of dogs are barking outside. Im afraid of going out there because one night i came to UJ late and i heard a wolf howl over the hill next to the parking lot while i was unloading.
-" I may of never had sex, but i can still fuck you up!"
-Movie night on wed!
-"Yu taste like soot and poop!" haha
-I forgot to pack pillow cases damit!
-I didnt know that there were senior guys @ MSMC. Amazing...

Brennan out!

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Dont know if you can see it but here is proof that we went to a cemetery at like 3 o'clock! There's some crosses

Well my weekend was pretty awesome. We went to UCSD and Kris, Danny, and I played basketball. I SUCKED ASS the first couple of times. My game is going away and the hoop was blurry for some reason. So we played against some random guys. Then out of nowhere this guy named Sasha came and played with us. This guy was tall and cool. He was also good too haha well he did play pro in Yugoslavia so yea. It was funny when he got the rebounds, he didnt have to jump at all. We were suppose to go to TJ, but Ate Tina said that its not safe and we might not be able to get back in the country. So that scared the shit out of me! Being stuck there. So we went to Ate Shey's house. Its looking really good. I dunno i drank alil bit and got kinda light headed but nothing serious. Haha i kinda remember saying that i would be a midget so that i could kick people in the shins and run away! haha.

So we went to a casino! I think it was called Barona???? not shure. It was cool too. The security gaurd was following us waiting for the right moment to say..."can i see your i.d. please?" SO i showed it to him and thought to myself..."WANNA GET AWAY?" haha thats right sucka! Im 18 foool! haha.
So i left the casino winng a grand total of -$26.oo. It was awesome haha yea right. Kris i think won $19, but whatever. Danny freaking spent $30 haha next time danny.

Then we were on our way to go to the Whaley house and the Santo Campo Cemetery. but we stopped and picked up some food before that. We stopped at this white house, which we thought was it, but it wasnt. So we looked around and found the actual house. I remembered Kuya jo saying that just go around the back, go up the stairs and then take a peak and leave. The stairs were blocked off with caution tape so whatever. I think the house was scarier and it was located in the back. So after taking a piss on the wall lol i went to the house by myself and took some pictues. I admit i was scared haha. So i walked back and freaking Danny scared the shit out of me by hiding behind the pillars and screaming at me. Iactually dont know the background story of the house but i had a weird feeling.

So we then decided to go to the Campo Santo Cemetery. It was said that people would see ghosts gliding around the cemetary, appliances wouldnt work, cars wouldnt start, feeling "cold spots" as you're walking around, and seeing ghost sitting on the wall. So Kris, Danny and I walked around the cemetary late at night. So i went again by myself and tried to see something or hear something, but nothing.

Got back around 4 something a.m. and slept in Danny's dorm floor. Freaking Kris snores too much!

Woke up after like 5 or 6 hours of sleep, ate at the cafe, then went home.

Now im here typing this blog. I feel tired, but not. I want to take a forced nap before i leave tonight so i dont fall asleep during the drive.

my dad found property in Laughlin. Thats fucking far, but i will visit him if he does move there.

Brennan out!

Friday, January 27, 2006


one observation that i've had! This is the worst year ever and its not even a month! Alot of people are having problems and stuff. Just an observation that i've noticed.

My day
-School. Traffic sucked so bad today!
-Watched Nanny Mcphee! is that how you spell it? haha
-Went to a CSULB men's volleyball game! They beat USC. It was cool because i can say hey i played with those guys or that guy almost hit me in the face with a volleyball =P
-Went back to Ate Krimly's house and hung there for a while.
-Played hold'em and watched 13 Going On 30!
- Please dont hate me! =[
-Felt like i've lost a friend, hopefully not!

Well the things at home...
ok well this is really hard to explain and i have mixed emotions about this situation. My dad looked for properties today. The only place he found was in laughlin. Yea that shits far, but the funny thing is my mom wants to invest with him. So its freaking weird. I dont know what to think. But i relaly dont want to talk about it anytime...

i dunno what else to write so goodnight!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Ok just briefly my day was slow because of school haha. I had tryouts today for the volleyball team. Man to be honest they have some people that can play. Oh yea i saw Nicholas Cage today @ Beverly Hills High School watching a wrestling match. This one white guy comes in during tryouts. So i introduce myself and say that im the J.V. coach. Then he gives me this stupid fucking look! Im like what? Its like you think i've never played volleyball before. BITCH! So then he tells me oh i was the coach last year, so i was thinking well guess what its a new year white boy haha. I also played volleyball with the kids. I had to freaking set for the hitting lines aaaaahhhhhhhhh. I was freaking sweating haha. But i felt like Spittle doing a 360 set =P. Ok thats it.

well alot has happened in not even a week. So i just want to say everything so i can get it off my chest and focus on the problems at home. I woke up today and said i feel like writing and this is what i wrote......

When choices are to be made
the heart conflicts with the mind
making it more difficult
to make this poem rhyme.

Recently conflicts have come up in my life
some major and minor stuff
i want to stand up and yell to the world

I really hate the situations at hand
and this shit i've been through
i just want to relax on the nice warm sand
and try to supress what i knew

You cared for me and i cared for you
I would of waited , but i guess you never knew
Theres no point in me waiting
i guess i'll just focus on school
I would of waited forever
But hey i guess i was a fool.

Maybe FRIENDS and time away is the best thing
so i can chill, play guitar, and maybe even sing

Just say those words i said
and let it be done
so i can stop having this feeling
while you go have your fun.

I know i should accept it
and just move on with life
work my way up again
and work through all the strife

We talked last night and it helped me open my eyes
and made me start to question the who? what? when? and whys?

It made me think that we should just move on
I have to calm down, relax, and stay strong.

You have some big choices
and you know what i want to do
so stop hating yourself
and just think it through

I have no other way to get things off my chest
and i hope that you can look back and say you did your best
with the choices you made
hopefully our memories dont fade

ok im done with the poem now its just going to be spilled out regularly. Through out this ordeal that i have faced to my family and the "FEELING TRIANGLE" that im in, i've learned who is there for me and whos just there taking up space. I've also learned to express my feelings now and not hold it in for a long time. THANK YOU To Kris and Ate Tina for always being there for me and talking with me. Krisitine thank you for the advice. Michelle, Neldinne, Jim, Jerome, and A.J. without you guys @ the mount man i'd have to see a therapist. Thanks for listening to me and let me bug you about stuff. Friends dont hurt other friends....

back to the main topic. Wow so your feelings are stronger for this guy huh? Ok then thats fine. You know what fucking sucks though right? Yea i told you already but i think that the public should know! The only reason i gave you room last semester was because you were depressed. Shit you didnt talk to me when you were depressed. I was there for you and you had to try and be tough i guess and not talk to me about it. WHY? I was always there. Oh and i remember that one night when you said you didnt feel like being a couple oh man! I thought that was so messed up. Im really happy that your happy now, but now someone else has a chance to be happy with you. Man i was in that position about 5 months ago. I felt like i never had a chance.... and no its gone and its never coming back. Yea we had alot of funny memories and i'll never forget them.

Why didnt you really tell me how you feel about me? It also doesnt seem like im your "best friend"...Furgi still is. Oh and what's wrong with me? I asked why you liked him and you said hes nice!? Oh man that must make me the meanest person ever. I only think of other people first and shit and try to do my best to help everyone and cheer them up. I tried cheering you up and that was hard enough just to get a smile on your face. But hey i guess this person doesnt have to now huh? So am i really stopping you from saying yes because you dont want to hurt me? Dam im already hurt no matter what, yes i am, but hey life goes on right? So i just say dam go with his flow already see where it takes you hmm maybe off a waterfall? haha who knows. Hopefully your liking of him grow into a beautiful flower. Haha and i think its cool that you guys talked to each other alot i mean both of you have cingular right?

So basically this whole situation has made me move on. I already have alot of sad and depressing things in my life right now and i dont need this crap right now! IM not going to be emo about this because thats just not me.

im sorry if this blog hurt you. Just know that im still you friend ok? You might not think that but i never give up on my friends. And i remember my promise the day i asked you out and i will stick to it. Thats what friends do.

Friends walk in when the world walks out

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"I have a God-given talent. I got it from my dad." - Julian Wakefield, Missouri basketball player

My Day/ Thoughts

- My english teacher finally showed up today. It was a basic introduction to the class. Towards the end we looked at this PBS site. It was a site where women have commited crimes write how they feel.

Two quotes made me think.

-"The best thing to give someone is tears"
-"One error in judgement and you're paying for the rest of your life"
Then there was this other quote that scared the shit out of me. It deals with her victims that she killed. It would say i take my anger and use it on my vicitms and that scared the shit out of me.

-Sociology class was good. I actually listened. Same with Sci con. It was really a 30 minute class.
- Physio was ok but so much activities lol. We had to get everyone's height in the class. Im the only guy too. I was the 3rd tallest hahaha. Then we had to learn how to graph our stats. Then we did jumping jacks. Why do they call it jumping jacks? Anywho i ended up doing 25 and measured our heart beat per minute. Then we had to graph that. Starting tomorrow, we have to keep a food log from now until the end of the semester everyday. We also have to do this group project where we have to shoot 10 free throws for one week, then the next week shoot 50 practice shots and then shot 10 haha.

*Reminder if i forget to jot this down in my log. At 8:38 i weighed 174 lbs.*

-One day i want to walk from San Diego to Buena Park. I thought about this in the shower.
-I tried to take a nap today and was interupted because someone wanted to talk. So i listened to my friend and talked with him.
-Tryouts are tomorrow and i have to be there.
-Haha nothing was missing sucka lol.
-The B-Bomb almost popped today.
-I only have .45 cents left for the cafe lol
-Haha why does everyone call me stinky.
-Exercised today for about 40 minutes.
-Sportsfest is coming up.
-Lately everyone has been having problems with stuff. Just an observation.
-Jelly snacks hate me.
-Pineapples are fucking good =]
-My computer took a good 2 hours to defrag and a good 20 minutes to cleanup.
-Funny word BOURGEOISIE ( bu-shwa-zee)
-"Do you remember...."
-Damit i dont want to read psych or physio! but i need to so i will!

<(^_^)> Goodnight

The sun will rise tomorrow.

You should live life to the fullest because you never know when your last sunrise will be.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"the quest for noble character " - Mr. Scotti

My Day/Random thoughts

-well today was the slowest class day ever and its not even wed.
-Psych was ok but physio was a bitch. It seemed like i was in there for the whole semester.
-After that i had to go to Beverly Hills High School for my interview. The school is freaking big too. They had two big ass gyms with tunnels underneath it. I got lost but being a man, or trying to be like one, i didnt ask for directions. I just kept walking where the athletes were walking toward haha. So i finally found it and talked to Mr. Paysinger. What a nice guy. We talked for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then he said just show up on thursday and fill out some paper work on monday.
-Honestly guys im taking this job for my dad. Its not for me. I know its money and i really dont need that much. I know my dad needs help right now. Hes always been there for me and now i think i should be there for him.
-Chilled with A.J. Thats one cool guy right there. He's respectful and hes just a great guy.
-Haha i explored the patios and roofs of MSMC. I got lost when i went through this one door and i didnt know which building or which floor i was on. I just remembered it had purple everywhere.
-Took a nap. I think i've learned my lesson. Never take a nap at MSMC because they will write on you haha. Its all over my hands lol. Dam you! =P
-Exercised today and lost .2 lbs hahaha. But i think i made it up with the fruits i just ate.
-I havent showered yet.
-Still cant open that jelly snack thingy.
-Your friends are here and you shouldnt hate your life......
-Have some sad lyrics that i wrote EMO BOY! lol
-I think i have too much free time.

Go fuck a goat =P
nite nite

Monday, January 23, 2006

I feel like I'm spinning out of control, Try to focus but everything's twisted, And all along I thought you would be there.To let me know I'm not alone, But in fact that's exactly what I was......


-Woke up and turned my alarm off. Woke up 20 minutes later saying dam i need to shower.
- Thanks for the text about your anti-viral tissues and its cuteness.
-First class was cancelled again. Sociology was ok haha. She said "Alright ladies....oh and gentleman" haha. True feminists but she seems cool. Then i went to Scientific concepts and sat there for about 15 minutes, then one of my friends says its cancelled. The note was on the freaking door this whole time.
-Played guitar with Jerome. That was fun.
-Thanks A.J. for teaching me the chords to Lemonade. That freaking Guitar Pro looks like the shit man. It gives you the tabs and plays the song along with it.
-I watched and Anime today.
-Thank you for the little paper stars Michelle.
-Chocolate Gummy bears taste good.
-Stupid Jelly things, freaking cant open it!
-Thanks for talking with me Neldinne. It really helped me to get things off my chest. You were right, writing and talking are totally different things.
-I dunno. Lets just see how things go. If they go one way i guess i cant change anything. So i guess i should just let it be....
-Im going to take the job! I have a meeting tomorrow @ 1:30. That means i wont have any time for my friends after class, except on weds. Im sorry guys =[ Thanks for making me laugh and cheering me up. No more loop days but hey i will find time for you guys i promise.
-"Sitting, waiting, wishing....."
-It was windy today haha.
-I exercised and lost a pound, then i lifted and gained another 2 pounds. Wtf haha
-Where did you go?
- Hahaha the gnome behind the ipod.
-Haha stop talking tagalog, i dont understand.
-Nic, michelle, and me had a funny/sad/weird talk about animals and fobs.
- I hate reading Psychology, Sci con, physio, and sociology! haha
- I have water pressure in my shower now, but it still takes a long time to heat up.
-Im in a Jack Johnson mood! its relaxing and nice.
-"and the pickles, and the pickles"
-Thats right bitch, i can eat chili fries haha

"Holy crap here comes jesus, and he doesnt look to happy......" =]

tomorrow is another day so goodnight yo!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

My weekend had its ups and downs.

-basketball was ok.
-Mark's b'day party. I had a fun time just being with my family and friends. Thanks to all that talked and listened to me.
-Pacman PACKED that morales guy up!
-Watermellon/soda/bread eating contests with my cousins.
-Coaching job? maybe?

-A big decision by my dad has affected me and my thinking.
-My mom goes behind my back saying that i can do something for my uncle.
- I FUCKING hate it when people do things behind my back. It just pisses me off. I'd rather have them just do it in front of my face instead. That way i wont feel insulted, plus some people will go behind your back and not inform you of whats really going on.....
- I hate having this feeling, it ruins my day when i have to think about it.
-Fucking bitch almost hit me!

random thoughts
-I cant believe that its not obvious to you. Its right in front of you. Are you making it seem like you dont know?
-My "weird feelings" are back
-Whats next?
-I havent taken a shower yet.
- Pittsburgh will win the superbowl!
-Good job Kobe
-Is that the TRUTH?
-Dam everyone is sleeping
-Most of it was written for you, did you know that?
-Dam UJ no freaking service
-If im a catch, why do people keep dropping me? hahaha
-Dam first full week of school tomorrow.
-I need something to take my mind off of certain stuff. I just want to forget about the situations in the present, whatever i'll find something.

i think i went through alot in just 2 1/2 days. I need to play some music or i just need my cousins and friends again. I dunno....


Everyday is a good day, some are just better than others

My day
- Well i woke up today feeling much better.
-Played basketball, my game was off
-Got Kris' tires patched and then put them on
-Went to the Mark's B'day party
-Watch Manny beat that mexican man =]
-Helped clean
-Had a watermellon eating contest with kris. Then a soda drinking contest with freaking Kristian and Anthony. Hahaha the championship was between me and kristian. We freaking had to drink soda, water, then eat bread! Haha I won all of it hahaha good times.
-Tossed some money and got stuck in a dogpile with my cousins again lol. I got $2.75.
-Got offered to coach a J.V. team @ Beverly Hills High School! I might take the job well because i get $ and i get to play volleyball. Plus i get out before 1.

first off i'd like to thank my cousins and friends! You guys made my day today! Without you guys i would go crazy! Thank you for everything. I got my mind of the situation at hand and acted like my old self again. I dont always want to be sad and you guys did it. I wasnt sad at all today =]

ok tomorrow is another day
good morning!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Sad way to start the weekend =[

ok my day was going great to start the weekend. When i got home, my dad wanted to talk to me. I had a feeling that it wasnt something good. Well my dad talked to me and it brought me straight to tears! My dad went through alot this week with my mom. He suffered some consequences that he wasnt suppose to and it scared him. So he told me that it would be best if he moved out! My parents have been through this before with threats of breaking up, but i never thought that it would come to this. =[ I've never seen this side of my dad before. He started to cry, so i hugged him. He said that he doesnt know what he will do next, this made meh cry even more well because i love my dad and i want whats best for him! I asked him how he was going to find a new place and how hes going to live. He told me that he will find a way to pay and stuff. I then offered to get a job to help him pay for anything, then he said no dont worry about me. Just finish your school! And on top of that my mom told my dad specifically not to tell me. WTF MOM! You think that keeping it from me will make this seem the same? My dad told me that, and said i just had to tell you because i just wanted you to know before i left.I broke down into tears for a good 30 minutes just laying on my bed thinking to myself WHY!? Why now?. Just writing this thing is bringing me to tears.... I have to get use to not seeing my dad around if this does go through! I already miss the times that we had just spending time together. I wish that i could of spent more time with him over break! IM SORRY FOR LYING DAD! I hope i can get through this. Some people say that everything is going to be alright but will it? I really need sometime alone/my friends/sublimate. I dont know if i can get away from this. I hope that this feeling doesnt effect my school work because im feeling out of it! I want to help my dad so much, i want to graduate already and help my dad finacially! God damit why the hell does this shit seem to happen to me lately? Why cant we just all be happy again like back in the old days. No one would fight or yell at each other.

I think i know what my wish is....@ 10:10

Isnt it funny how all of a sudden things can just fall apart in a second?

Isnt it funny how when something bad happens to you, you seem to forget all the good things? i guess thats just me then huh?


Thursday, January 19, 2006

"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight."
- George Gobel

My Day/Thoughts

-Woke up obviously
-Went to my Psychology class @ 9:40. mr. Brogan is a cool guy with an irish accent. He said some tagalog words too haha. I was like wtf!?
-Went to Physiology @ 11:20. It was in my old microbiology class. Ahhh bad memories lol. Dr. Chang was the teacher. I cant wait till labs. We get to come in gym clothes and do experiments and stuff. Like food logs, everyone's range of motion, and we get to pee in a cup! haha
-Slept in Michelle and Neldinne's room for about an hour or so.
-Ran the LOOP with Michelle, Jim, and Neldinne. Oh man that was one of the most difficult up hill run i've ever had to do. My back was freaking hurting while i was jogging, but no pain no gain right?
-Then played tennis with Jim haha. He felt bad because he was making me run after balls that were out of play. Then we played basketball, actually 21. Hahaha it was close but in the end it was 21-0. Well i guess i had an advantage because he started to cramp up haha. No pain no gain except for that pain.
-Ate dinner @ MSMC.
-Took a nap
-Exercised for an hour
-Watched the OC. It was freaking good! It was a shower or the OC. Guess what i picked! =P
-Floor meeting well not really. I watched the Laker game most of the time. Kawami Brown is sorry!
-Now i gotta pack because im going home tomorrow woo hoo
- IM sore and my chest feels like im going to have breast cancer haha.



Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer." - David Acfield

^ YEAH!? hahaha

Ok well today was my first day back at school

-Went to sleep around 11:15 and for some reason i woke up @ 4 a.m. No i wasnt excited for school and i sat at my desk for about 25 minutes and signed on Aim. To my surprise A.j. and Sonny were on too saying we cant sleep for some reason. So i finally went back to sleep.
-Got to school around 7:48 and had class @ 8, but i have the same teacher as last semester for english. So knowing Nahid i had a feeling that he would cancel and guess what he did. Haha how awesome is that huh? The first class coming back from break is cancelled haha. Thats the cool part about him. The sucky part is that hes straight forward with his critique that kinda hurts your self esteem.
-Went to the cafe and saw some of my friends again. It was cool to see them again. I still think someone is a coughBITCHcough. Some of my friends are gone =[
-Went to my Sociology class @ 10:20. Hahaha Roxy went to the wrong class how embarassing, but it happened to me the first day of school so thats more embarassing. Umm my teacher i heard was a feminist and guess what, im the only guy in the class DAH SHiT! Sociology was kind of intimidating but my friends were like its easy and i'll help you if you need help oh and take down everything she says haha ok!
-Went to my next class @ 11:30 for scientific concepts. The teacher, Mrs. C ( cant say or pronounce her name), was cool. She has a french accent so anyone that knows french will have a better time understanding her than me. She seems like a really nice person. Today she was like heres the syllabis...blah blah...any questions? Vroom i was out of that class so fast haha.
-Used Jerome's car to pick up his shoes @ his house since i didnt have my Physio lab today.
Came home and ate chilli cheese fries @ Tommy's...i cant believe you've never tasted it, but you said it tastes like Hats? but whatever.
- Drove back to that Mountain that i call school. Now that i think of it, i wouldnt mind driving a smaller car.
-Played basketball with Jerome, Neld, Erika, and Grace. Haha Jerome and I played baksteball. I won the first game 7-5, second game 7-1. I must admit Jerome has a nice shot from the arch but i guess the pressure got to him =P. Jerome man i swear you can lose all that weight and i will be there to help you, but its going to take time. We are running the loop tomorrow bitch haha.
-Went back to my lonely dorm and took an hour nap! then woke up after that hour and went back to sleep. I was really tired for some reason.
-Ate Dinner
-Went to the gym for about and hour or so. Did the ellipitcal for 3 miles and lifted lightly. I want to get toned not all buff and shit. But its time for me to get in shape. Some people say that i am and i think its funny too :P
-Now im here typing this blog.

I want to try my best this semester. No slacking off, but i always say that and never follow through. So i promise to try my hardest this semester I need it. Tomorrow i have 2 classes. 9:40-11:10 Child/Human Develpomental Psychology and 11:20-12:50 Physiology. Then im free. Woo hoo. I like my schedule this semester. I get out before 1 everyday except wed.

2 words of the day
-Sod off

Make a wish @ 11:11

go fuck a goat :p

Brennan Out!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"In a place where phone service does not exist......"

.....thats where i live =[

My Day
- Well i woke up
-Cooked fried rice, eggs, and chicken
-Went to Jack in the Box. Ordered a Choclate malted milkshake. Guy comes back from the back saying...uhhh i dont know how to make it. haha..damit!
-Drove to UJ
-Played basketball where i killed Jim lol. 14-2 me!
The End

Well this break has come to an end. Im sitting in my dorm room all alone now, waiting for school to consume 5 out of my 7 days of the week. This winter break was by far the best i've ever had. I went snowboarding a couple of times, once where i injured my ankle/knee. Haha the ER was a weird experience. Why is it called the emergency room when people have to wait to see a doctor? The other time we got snowed in at Big Behr, the tripod and anthony. Man it was fucking fun! lol. When i got home i was verbally raped by my dad and took my money, but hey it was worth the trouble...haha. I went off some jumps, landed on my back but it was fun.

"You dont have 4 wheel drive?" " NO I DONT/ Oh..we were suppose to have it/ i thought my mud tires would work"....haha -Officer Dick and Kris

" Close the window, close the window......FUCK!" -Kristian

"I think we can take the tire chains off" -Kris " OK......what the fuck man i spent all that money just for 1 mile?" - Me

"Hey...wake up fry boy/ All up in my grill, all up in my grill!" -Kris

"Hey its snowing..." kristian


"Lets play Buto grabbers!" Anthony and kris

" Man stop farting"- i dont know...hahahaha

" For Nania and Asland" -Brennan/ Kris

"I have elven bread..."-kris

I wouldnt give up those memories for the world. When they closed down the lifts, we climbed back up that hill. It was freaking tiring but hey we got up there. Haha...we shopped around for supplies so we went to 7-11. Haha..freaking kris wanted to buy bologna that was turning a different color...wtf. We ate out of cups. Took some 7-11 forks...kris ate all the cereal when everyone was sleeping. Cheater. Freaking stupid people there....ohhh im sorry i thought you meant these size tires. Or...yea thats the biggest ones we have...haha..but he was cool. When we got back, we had some snow left in Kris truck bed so we started a snow fight.

My family and friends made my break really awesome. Watched some movies...haha sorry kayla about the i.d. checks. King Kong was sad/good. Hmmm what else. Oh yea i mostly played basketball this break..no volleyball! Weird huh? As long as i was active and not sitting around the house. Played with the usual people..kris, andrew, and kristian. Oh yea it was Kristine's b'day over the break too.

what else...oh yea. Christmas was really good. No one wrote one each others face since none of us were sleepy. Haha the cousins took shots while i had to freaking clean up dog shit! That Mario Strikers was really fun.

hung out with Jerome, Neldinne, Michelle, and Tojo. That was a fun day wasnt it guys? Haha i jumped in the pool at night. Killed jerome at all videogames lol.

Went to Chuck E Cheese...man i want to be a kid again. So i can move fast in those stupid tunnels and not hurt your knees and stuff :p

New years was good too haha. Matthew and I clogged up the doorway. It was fun trying to find the money around the house lol. Fireworks were cool too.

Played guitar alot and some piano. I kinda miss playing the piano and the pieces that i could play. Playing the guitar helps me relax and forget about everything bad. Hmmm...i learned Simply Starving to Be Safe, The Look, some of Jack Johnson, and some other songs lol.

-I have no idea where my classes are or what times or my instructors are or yea!

Only thing that was crushing was USC losing! and all of the starters are leaving.

I havent gone to a theme park in a while =[

Took care of Ginger for 2 days...man that dog pees anytime she wants too. But at least it was in the same place lol.

I was so happy that i passed microbiology! YEA! That was a good way to start off my break.

so many memories over the past winter break, but i cant put them all done because theres so many with certain people and stuff.

thats all for the night!


Monday, January 16, 2006

my day/thoughts

- Slept with the window open and the fan on. I like it. I feel like a burrito or just the feeling of my blanket.
-Woke up this morning to someone texting me saying that im a whore lol!
-HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTINE!..Who did invent the credit card and the nipple twister? Its stupid but its funny!
-Parents still argued over closet space and the garage during breakfast.
-This random lady came up to us and talked to us about gambling but she was nice.
-Went to Walmart while my mom stayed in the car listening to my "devil music" hahaha
-Watched Kristian's volleyball game.
-Went to out to eat...freaking kris tried sneaking a peanut in one of my chicken strips hahaha.
-Someone doesnt want to drive Delilah =[
-How can you see those lil words that you wrote on that card...the contact lens way of cheating is easier :p
-Played tag/tug of war with Behr.
-Kaylee made this disgusted face before she was going to kiss me and made bubbles in her mouth when told to pucker up.
-Whispered in Behr's ear.
-Went to Chuck E Cheese with Kris, Kristine, Kayla, Andrew, Ate Krimly, Jazmin, Allyssa, and Kaylee! Kayla bullied Jazmin in Air hockey. All the freaking good games were taken by these little kid. My name was Andrew for a couple of minutes. Thank you Allyssa for standing in line for me. The game was freaking broken or something, i kept going to the right. The bread was really cheesy.
-Played basketball with Kris and Andrew. I did well with the 3-on-3 stuff, but after that i didnt make anything. Played some D, blocked 2 shots..haha...sick block andrew, got rebounds, but no points! OMG i almost broke my freaking ankle today =[ I went up for a block and all of a sudden someone said "watch out". And to my surprise i landed on a ball with my left ankle, which is just starting to recover from the snowboarding accident. Thank you God for keeping me safe!
-Someone wanted to play teatherball, but then was like i dont want to anymore...hahaha! but still played..haha.
-My ankle is hurting again...more vicodin please.
-I actually thought today was Sunday!
-Mega Man...Hey lets hide behind a shield and throw a chain with a spike ball at Brennan so that he doesnt move on to the next level!
-Lakers won like i said....i guess Shaq didnt twist his ankle it was Wade!
-Started to pack for school again...MAN What a BITCH!
-I dont want tomorrow to come, but i cant stop time.
-Dozed off for 10 minutes before taking a shower!
-Im going to be lonely in my dorm room..haha.

stupid quote
-"You guys line up alphabetically by height." - Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

goodnight people.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

How many pots have you smoken?

Thoughts of the Day/My Day

-Ok....well i got to get this off my chest first off. This is to my dad. Why do you have to be so negative all of a sudden? Do you think that its best if you move somewhere else and leave us all alone huh? If you do move where the hell are you going to go?...i will help you out if you need money but its the stupidest move ever. Why do you also have to bring up something that happened a long time ago? Yea what if i did withdraw money in Bear? We freaking needed it! Here you go complaining about my Bank of America bill...saying that im still spending on stupid things...i dont even have an account anymore so kinda just back off. When i get forced into something that doesnt automatically mean that i dont appreciate everything you do. I really do appreciate everything that you have done for me...but i just dont like being forced. Why do you also have to make me feel bad too? Because i couldnt make it today? Why do you always bring it up at random times too? I hate it when you do that...just say it once and let it be done!
-I was suppose to go snowboarding tonight. I kept bugging my mom to let me go, but i can tell that she was about to get really ticked so i stopped. I havent seen my mom really pissed in a while and i didnt intend to end that streak.
- One of my "weird feelings" were right!
-Suppose to play chess with my dad earlier but we couldnt find the pieces and the board.
-I just found out that i have no room mate this semester. I guess thats good...now i can push the bed together and have a queen size bed...lol. Man thats lame!
-Thanks for the text this morning...i had to pee at the same time =P
-Started to pack a little bit for tuesday....man its going to be a bitch just packing and unpacking everything again.
-The cold feels good...im going to sleep with the fan on again.
-Still have to bring more tables and chairs!
-I just realized that this is my last weekend before i go to school =[
-Troy Polamalu is the shit...go Steelers.
-Liptons Brisk Iced Tea sounds good right now.
-My sinus is cleared :p
-I always did think that priests were like atheletes. Like we can trade them to other parishes for better priests.
-OH yea...before i fell asleep, i found my name on Supernatural! It was the cell phone scene when he looked at his phone and next to "new contact" was my name, BREN, well part of my name.
-I learned 3 songs today...Hey There Delilah, The Look, and i guess Goodbye to You.
- Celine chewed up Whitefoot's pillow...dam dog.
-Stupid 24, why did you have to take up The Simpsons and Family Guy's time? I wanted to laugh.
-Man stupid USC players..they're all going pro! Now who do we have?
-Eclipse commercials are freaking funny!
-I exercised today! Felt good!

"Life is not about people..its about connections. Its not about the cocks and ass and tits. And butthole pleasures. It's not about these rusty trombones, and these dirty sanchez. And these cincinatti bowties, and these pussy juice cocktail, and these shit stained balls." .....that guy is funny! :)


My day which was yesterday but posted this morning!

-Played basketball with Kris, Kristian, and Andrew. Freaking rain cancelled my plans for the morning, but i still like it for some reason. COACH..shut the fuck up...sometimes lol.
-Played the guitar and sang to my mom while she was cooking...lol. I came up with random things, but it kinda made sense.
-Exercised while watching Fred's Island or something and Yugioh for some reason. Man i must of missed alot of shows because i dont know what the hell is going on...haha
-Then someone calls during Yugioh and ruins my day..haha..j/k =P
-Went over to Kris' to eat and play Madden where kris/kristine beat me!
- Took a shower and realized that i had a cut and a bruise on my arm from playing those dirty FOBs!
-Went to Morongo with Kris and Kristine. Kris won alot of money right off the bat while i fucking lost alot. Then i dunno something weird happened and i got some luck and won all my money back and more.
-You want 3 tables, the canopy, and how many chairs? Between what times?
-FUCK YOU telemarketers!
-Hahaha...the MTV show MADE was funny as hell. " DOESNT IT FEEL GOOD?!"......" NO IT DOESNT!"...HAHAHAHAHA
-I really missed hockey.

okie dokie aya chokie


Friday, January 13, 2006


but its ok! lol


- " I thought that if i swallowed the ring, it would be a part of me....what?...i thought it would be romantic" random guy from divorce court
-" You can be my jock strap and support"...uhh thanks Jerome

ok here goes..thoughts/what i did today!

- Woke up and exercised while watching Herbie Fully Loaded. I thought that it was a good movie...lol. Man im a loser.
- Freaking Telemarketers...FUCK YOU! Why the fuck do they keep distrubing us!? I know its your ass when you fucking call, but i still answer just incase its one of my family members.
-Played basketball with Kristian, Kris, and Andrew! i'd have them be on my team any day...even if we were up against high flying black people..haha!
-After playing basketball, i went to Boba Loca and the most embarassing thing happened to me! I opened my straw and it wouldnt go through the plastic so i tried shoving it in there and my freaking cup exploded over the counter. Then this nice lady gave me an extra cup to put my busted cup in. So i ran away with everyone looking at me...but meh shit happens right? lol Why does it always happen to me though?
-My parents were arguing again over space and closets.
- Still cant find Zelda..dam game i found the instruction manual.
- I miss playing N64, Nintendo Genisis and C.D. It makes me think...wow im all grown up now. When i was small i had alot of time for videogames, but now...i guess not! Its just there to collect dust. So today i played my N64.
- I was doing so well in Royal Rumble until Kayla decided to call =]
-Come to think of it those fools did play dirty....oh well. We kicked ass today! Freaking AIR KRIS!
-Still confused.
-Watched The Most Outrageous Moments. Animals are funny when they act normal and dont know whats going on lol.
-My body is sore.
-When the hell is my mom going to pay me?
-Freaking someone im'd me and was like...i know your family and something i forget. Turns out it was my Ateh Monica...lol. Her clue was hows your killer whale doing in the garage?..haha
-I want to make a song
-Freaking dad...i think his new hobby is scarying me when im typing on the computer! lol
-Hahaha....There was this one hair thingy thats suppose to make your hair straight while going in a circular motion. So this guy with long thick blonde hair comes up..then the lady was like. Ok lets straighten his hair...and like 2 seconds late the stupid thing gets caught into hair and stops...lol Funny!
-Play it cool
-I enjoy waking up early now for some reason...i guess it is to feel like i havent wasted a day. Plus im going to have to wake up early when school starts.

Im out like Janet Jackson's breast at the Superbowl! =P

Thursday, January 12, 2006

my day
-Woke up @ 7:30 for the street sweeper. It freaking came @ 8:30ish.
-Looked up some guitar tabs
-Exercised for an hour or so
-Watched The Transporter 2
-Slept for 3 hours
-Woke up to my mom's voice
-Tried to look for Zelda for N64. Where the hell did i put that game. I'm in a Zelda playing mood for some reason.
-Drove my mom to Kuya Jo's house
-Played with Acheles...i think he stepped in poop and jumped on me.
- Called someone
- Drove home and bought salads for dinner
-Watched the OC...haha..i saw that scene @ MSMC! :]

Peace out braddah!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Spare me just, 3 last words....

....i love you is all she heard. I'll wait for you, but i cant wait forever."
I dunno..i selected all music and this song started playing while i was writing this!

Thoughts of the day
-I was in the shower and i thought to myself if you really like someone, then just tell them. You'll just be miserable holding it in. I know things will get weird, but hey its a start right? Talk to them too. You have to do something. Dude and dont be shy about anything...just be yourself. Find a person that accepts you for you! You're right...why is it so hard to find a girl that accepts guys for thier personality?
- R.I.P. Mr. Stump...time of death 1:30ish! :]
-" F.D.R.'s wife...that BIG LESBIAN MULE!" :P -Wedding Crashers
-Why do people keep buying game consoles? They are just going to come out with better ones. So i say, just wait till you like really really old and buy the newest one, so that you die before they come out with another one..haha.
- Confuzzled
- Thanks for making me taste that smoothie in my freezer you! It tasted like icy jambas!
-Damit Celine...you freaking tore up our gloves and your pillow...see! No more pillow for you now! Haha...and Whitefoot tried sneaking one of my white socks in his mouth pass me...lol!
- I want to go to the Hukilau
-Music keeps me sane sometimes...it takes my mind of certain things that i dont want to think about.
-Today i laid down on the ground with Celine and Whitefoot in the sun during my break and it was really relaxing...the sun rays hitting me. It reminded me of the beach.
-Took a 2 or 3 hour nap..felt good!
-I guess just being honest with my parents is ok so far.
-I should start exercising again.
-Wondering if they ever fixed that guitar string that snapped yesterday.
-I have to wake up early tomorrow...stupid street sweeper. >_<
-Just realized that i only have 2 more fish in the pond...i guess my dad killed the other 10.

i guess thats it!
Brennan out!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Well today was something different and very fun! I woke up around 7:30 a.m. Showered...and got into my car to go hang with Jerome, Michelle, Tojo, and Neldinne. When i got into my car after filling up with gas when freaking Delilah didn't know where the hell the address was! So i went back home and typed it on mapquest....and they didnt know where the hell it was. So i called Michelle and asked her where she lived and stuff, so she told me to go to yahoo and what do you know it popped up! lol

So i picked up Michelle first then went to pick up Jerome at his mom's work! There i met Jerome's uncle who was a doctor. So yea, after that, we went to pick up Neldinne and Tojo. So we went to the mall and then ate. Everyone got their own food. I promised not to eat Burger King ever since that day we we're snowed in at Bear but i ate some of Neldinne's fries to help her finish it....hey anything to help a friend right? :p then we walked around the mall and this stupid guy kept going around giving this stupid survey out about knowing yourself...haha. Went to Gameworks and i killed Jerome in all the games we played...racing, nfl blitz..except DDR! Pho that man!

Kept walking around for like sometime and went to Samash ( music store)!

Man this was embarassing...we went to the acoustic room and Jerome wanted me to play something. So i grabbed a guitar and started tunning it...........then SNAP one of the strings broke....and i just looked at it saying " Are you kidding me?"...then the guy next to me playing guitar looks at me and i say "SSSHHHHHHHHHH". So the guy says to me..."You better get the hell outta here!" So thank you stranger for letting me get away :)

Then we went to watch Casanova..and turns out it was a pretty good movie!
Went to gameworks again and i killed Jerome in Air hockey...lol. Then went to Boomers played cosmic golfing...fun as hell but they had like some stupid ass holes like....AHHH!

Ate L&L. Went to Michelle's house and i freaking jumped in the pool at around 9:16 p.m. when it was like freaking freezing...dont ask me why. I guess i just do these stupid things so that we could have memories...like that time i ran through the girls' dorm in a dress....lol. But dont tell anyone! ;) But yea...it felt like the freaking Titanic...my shirt was like biting my arm! So i took a warm shower..then went to drop off Jerome @ his uncle's house. When i went in that mans house i was like...WOW. It was the biggest house i've ever seen...and hes a doctor. Haha...he said its simple..just be a doctor!...hahahaha...ok!

so that concludes my day today! it was fun...I made a new friend ( Nichole aka Tojo). thanks for everything my priends! :)

oh yea jerome you did kill me at DDR! Good job!

Brennan out

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hello everyone...so this is the "new thing" huh? Telling everyone whatsup with their lives?..haha Ok i'll bite! Well i guess its ok to let your feelings out and this is a good way. I guess some people are right when they say that you dont want to store up your emotions because one day you'll explode.

Ok well lets see today was ok. Woke up around 8 and worked on that stupid stump that would just not come out so that was really frustrating. Worked on it until around 5:30 then took a shower and went out to dinner for my uncle and auntie's anniversary! Freaking Kris couldnt crack my back so Kris, Allyssa, Jazmin, and maybe Kristian or Behr just dog piled me...eh get it! Yea i dont get it too! It was fun...i ate so much and yea. Kaylee still hates me! Haha i guess it was because i scared her with the crawfish earlier that night, man im mean :P I also asked her if she wanted me to carry her...and of course the answer was NO!...but its ok i hope its just a phase and not for life. Lets see what else happened..me and kristian kept exchanging words that sometimes made no sense at all..haha...good times. Crawfish rules :]

* takes an hour break*

ok so im back from my lil break. I just watched CSI:Miami and realized how cool that would be if i was an investigator or something.

right now
- chatting with friends...i have a contract with danny. He'll pick my strawberries if i dont eat his dog. :P
-How cool it is when time hits like the same digits...like 5:55
- excited for tomorrow
-listening to music
-kinda tired/full
-feel like playing guitar
-Lakers won..woo hoo
-Hating that stump...wishing i could get a bomb and blow it up!
-I miss school, well not school, jsut being around my friends because all my other friends are @ school.
-I want to try skydiving, parachuting, and bungee jumping!
-I miss playing club volleyball

Torres Out!