Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer." - David Acfield

^ YEAH!? hahaha

Ok well today was my first day back at school

-Went to sleep around 11:15 and for some reason i woke up @ 4 a.m. No i wasnt excited for school and i sat at my desk for about 25 minutes and signed on Aim. To my surprise A.j. and Sonny were on too saying we cant sleep for some reason. So i finally went back to sleep.
-Got to school around 7:48 and had class @ 8, but i have the same teacher as last semester for english. So knowing Nahid i had a feeling that he would cancel and guess what he did. Haha how awesome is that huh? The first class coming back from break is cancelled haha. Thats the cool part about him. The sucky part is that hes straight forward with his critique that kinda hurts your self esteem.
-Went to the cafe and saw some of my friends again. It was cool to see them again. I still think someone is a coughBITCHcough. Some of my friends are gone =[
-Went to my Sociology class @ 10:20. Hahaha Roxy went to the wrong class how embarassing, but it happened to me the first day of school so thats more embarassing. Umm my teacher i heard was a feminist and guess what, im the only guy in the class DAH SHiT! Sociology was kind of intimidating but my friends were like its easy and i'll help you if you need help oh and take down everything she says haha ok!
-Went to my next class @ 11:30 for scientific concepts. The teacher, Mrs. C ( cant say or pronounce her name), was cool. She has a french accent so anyone that knows french will have a better time understanding her than me. She seems like a really nice person. Today she was like heres the syllabis...blah blah...any questions? Vroom i was out of that class so fast haha.
-Used Jerome's car to pick up his shoes @ his house since i didnt have my Physio lab today.
Came home and ate chilli cheese fries @ Tommy's...i cant believe you've never tasted it, but you said it tastes like Hats? but whatever.
- Drove back to that Mountain that i call school. Now that i think of it, i wouldnt mind driving a smaller car.
-Played basketball with Jerome, Neld, Erika, and Grace. Haha Jerome and I played baksteball. I won the first game 7-5, second game 7-1. I must admit Jerome has a nice shot from the arch but i guess the pressure got to him =P. Jerome man i swear you can lose all that weight and i will be there to help you, but its going to take time. We are running the loop tomorrow bitch haha.
-Went back to my lonely dorm and took an hour nap! then woke up after that hour and went back to sleep. I was really tired for some reason.
-Ate Dinner
-Went to the gym for about and hour or so. Did the ellipitcal for 3 miles and lifted lightly. I want to get toned not all buff and shit. But its time for me to get in shape. Some people say that i am and i think its funny too :P
-Now im here typing this blog.

I want to try my best this semester. No slacking off, but i always say that and never follow through. So i promise to try my hardest this semester I need it. Tomorrow i have 2 classes. 9:40-11:10 Child/Human Develpomental Psychology and 11:20-12:50 Physiology. Then im free. Woo hoo. I like my schedule this semester. I get out before 1 everyday except wed.

2 words of the day
-Sod off

Make a wish @ 11:11

go fuck a goat :p

Brennan Out!


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