Tuesday, January 31, 2006

“The swiftest bridge that was ever built is the one that connects friendship and love, for it is constructed in a moment.”

I got this quote from a book that Jim gave me

My Day/Thoughts
Well this morning I felt like trying something new. I wore pajamas to school today! Haha really comfortable. I might try this again, but it might become a habit! I remember my mom telling me not to wear pjs to school because I would embarrass myself in front of the girls haha. Oh well if I did.
English was crap. We didn’t have a quiz today. So I read that freaking 50 page poem for nothing. Oh well I guess its good because I probably wouldn’t of read it if we weren’t threatened with a quiz. So I started to doze off and all of a sudden my teacher mentions Brad Pitt and this other guy trying to win me! I was like im not gay and out of all the girls in the class he picks one of the three guys.
Sociology class was pretty cool because we watched a movie. It was on women and how their values go down through advertising. Haha Funny ad was when this girl was walking in an ally by herself and a shadow was following her. Then it said ROMANCE. Haha if I saw a shadow following me in an ally the first thing I wouldn’t think about would be romance haha.
Scientific concepts was really blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Then it became meh and then more blah blah blah. Haha but we have a cool teacher.
Then chilled with Neldinne and watched random flash videos. Underground.com is a really cool site. Check it out. ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!
-Shot free throws today for Physio. 8/10 woo hoo!
-I would never yell at someone unless they are pissing me off!
-Played guitar and made two songs. Now it just needs lyrics. Wanna help?
- B C party haha. Jerome and Jim know what im talking about
-Decided to take a nap and guess what. Someone thought that it would be funny to take a highlighter and write HELLO on my arm and my foot! Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on me! Hahaha i'll get you back! I know where you dorm =P
- Played Operation on Grace’s phone
- There were dogs barking outside. I don’t want to go out there, because I came to UJ late one night and I heard a wolf howling over the hill next to the parking lot while I was unloading.
-Jerome took us home. On the ride I decided to take 2 cylindrical pillows and fold one and stick the other one throught the folded one. Yea it formed a penis. So I stuck it out the window when we were at a red light and started rubbing it! Hahaha everyone was looking at me hahaha that was funny.
-“I have never had sex, but I can still fuck you up!”
-Movie night on wed
-Don’t want to read physio.
-Freaking old people moved in on the second floor and some young people on the first. Haha Crystal was worried because she thinks that the old guys are creepy.
-Freaking internet is really stupid. Stupid people downstairs get off the internet now!
-Sportfest bitches
-Thank you Michelle for posting this.
-I swear I had more to write about, but the freaking internet is really stupid and deleted everything. I opened up word and the fucking thing says can not display internet page. Brennan out!
This is from Michelle: see if you can decode it: HRNIEABNN... are u zen now?


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