Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"I have a God-given talent. I got it from my dad." - Julian Wakefield, Missouri basketball player

My Day/ Thoughts

- My english teacher finally showed up today. It was a basic introduction to the class. Towards the end we looked at this PBS site. It was a site where women have commited crimes write how they feel.

Two quotes made me think.

-"The best thing to give someone is tears"
-"One error in judgement and you're paying for the rest of your life"
Then there was this other quote that scared the shit out of me. It deals with her victims that she killed. It would say i take my anger and use it on my vicitms and that scared the shit out of me.

-Sociology class was good. I actually listened. Same with Sci con. It was really a 30 minute class.
- Physio was ok but so much activities lol. We had to get everyone's height in the class. Im the only guy too. I was the 3rd tallest hahaha. Then we had to learn how to graph our stats. Then we did jumping jacks. Why do they call it jumping jacks? Anywho i ended up doing 25 and measured our heart beat per minute. Then we had to graph that. Starting tomorrow, we have to keep a food log from now until the end of the semester everyday. We also have to do this group project where we have to shoot 10 free throws for one week, then the next week shoot 50 practice shots and then shot 10 haha.

*Reminder if i forget to jot this down in my log. At 8:38 i weighed 174 lbs.*

-One day i want to walk from San Diego to Buena Park. I thought about this in the shower.
-I tried to take a nap today and was interupted because someone wanted to talk. So i listened to my friend and talked with him.
-Tryouts are tomorrow and i have to be there.
-Haha nothing was missing sucka lol.
-The B-Bomb almost popped today.
-I only have .45 cents left for the cafe lol
-Haha why does everyone call me stinky.
-Exercised today for about 40 minutes.
-Sportsfest is coming up.
-Lately everyone has been having problems with stuff. Just an observation.
-Jelly snacks hate me.
-Pineapples are fucking good =]
-My computer took a good 2 hours to defrag and a good 20 minutes to cleanup.
-Funny word BOURGEOISIE ( bu-shwa-zee)
-"Do you remember...."
-Damit i dont want to read psych or physio! but i need to so i will!

<(^_^)> Goodnight

The sun will rise tomorrow.

You should live life to the fullest because you never know when your last sunrise will be.


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