Friday, January 20, 2006

Sad way to start the weekend =[

ok my day was going great to start the weekend. When i got home, my dad wanted to talk to me. I had a feeling that it wasnt something good. Well my dad talked to me and it brought me straight to tears! My dad went through alot this week with my mom. He suffered some consequences that he wasnt suppose to and it scared him. So he told me that it would be best if he moved out! My parents have been through this before with threats of breaking up, but i never thought that it would come to this. =[ I've never seen this side of my dad before. He started to cry, so i hugged him. He said that he doesnt know what he will do next, this made meh cry even more well because i love my dad and i want whats best for him! I asked him how he was going to find a new place and how hes going to live. He told me that he will find a way to pay and stuff. I then offered to get a job to help him pay for anything, then he said no dont worry about me. Just finish your school! And on top of that my mom told my dad specifically not to tell me. WTF MOM! You think that keeping it from me will make this seem the same? My dad told me that, and said i just had to tell you because i just wanted you to know before i left.I broke down into tears for a good 30 minutes just laying on my bed thinking to myself WHY!? Why now?. Just writing this thing is bringing me to tears.... I have to get use to not seeing my dad around if this does go through! I already miss the times that we had just spending time together. I wish that i could of spent more time with him over break! IM SORRY FOR LYING DAD! I hope i can get through this. Some people say that everything is going to be alright but will it? I really need sometime alone/my friends/sublimate. I dont know if i can get away from this. I hope that this feeling doesnt effect my school work because im feeling out of it! I want to help my dad so much, i want to graduate already and help my dad finacially! God damit why the hell does this shit seem to happen to me lately? Why cant we just all be happy again like back in the old days. No one would fight or yell at each other.

I think i know what my wish is....@ 10:10

Isnt it funny how all of a sudden things can just fall apart in a second?

Isnt it funny how when something bad happens to you, you seem to forget all the good things? i guess thats just me then huh?



At 5:49 PM , Blogger reeeuh said...

awwww...i'm sorry to hear all this buddy! i'm here for you and so is everybody else! you've got friendds and i guess you can say i know exactly what you're going through...i know how you feel! i had to go through this too! :\ i'm sorry. you'll be okay! hang in there!

At 11:32 AM , Blogger kaylakayyy said...

suka hahahaha.


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