Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Well today was something different and very fun! I woke up around 7:30 a.m. Showered...and got into my car to go hang with Jerome, Michelle, Tojo, and Neldinne. When i got into my car after filling up with gas when freaking Delilah didn't know where the hell the address was! So i went back home and typed it on mapquest....and they didnt know where the hell it was. So i called Michelle and asked her where she lived and stuff, so she told me to go to yahoo and what do you know it popped up! lol

So i picked up Michelle first then went to pick up Jerome at his mom's work! There i met Jerome's uncle who was a doctor. So yea, after that, we went to pick up Neldinne and Tojo. So we went to the mall and then ate. Everyone got their own food. I promised not to eat Burger King ever since that day we we're snowed in at Bear but i ate some of Neldinne's fries to help her finish it....hey anything to help a friend right? :p then we walked around the mall and this stupid guy kept going around giving this stupid survey out about knowing yourself...haha. Went to Gameworks and i killed Jerome in all the games we played...racing, nfl blitz..except DDR! Pho that man!

Kept walking around for like sometime and went to Samash ( music store)!

Man this was embarassing...we went to the acoustic room and Jerome wanted me to play something. So i grabbed a guitar and started tunning it...........then SNAP one of the strings broke....and i just looked at it saying " Are you kidding me?"...then the guy next to me playing guitar looks at me and i say "SSSHHHHHHHHHH". So the guy says to me..."You better get the hell outta here!" So thank you stranger for letting me get away :)

Then we went to watch Casanova..and turns out it was a pretty good movie!
Went to gameworks again and i killed Jerome in Air hockey...lol. Then went to Boomers played cosmic golfing...fun as hell but they had like some stupid ass holes like....AHHH!

Ate L&L. Went to Michelle's house and i freaking jumped in the pool at around 9:16 p.m. when it was like freaking freezing...dont ask me why. I guess i just do these stupid things so that we could have memories...like that time i ran through the girls' dorm in a dress....lol. But dont tell anyone! ;) But yea...it felt like the freaking Titanic...my shirt was like biting my arm! So i took a warm shower..then went to drop off Jerome @ his uncle's house. When i went in that mans house i was like...WOW. It was the biggest house i've ever seen...and hes a doctor. Haha...he said its simple..just be a doctor!...hahahaha...ok!

so that concludes my day today! it was fun...I made a new friend ( Nichole aka Tojo). thanks for everything my priends! :)

oh yea jerome you did kill me at DDR! Good job!

Brennan out


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