Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"In a place where phone service does not exist......"

.....thats where i live =[

My Day
- Well i woke up
-Cooked fried rice, eggs, and chicken
-Went to Jack in the Box. Ordered a Choclate malted milkshake. Guy comes back from the back saying...uhhh i dont know how to make it. haha..damit!
-Drove to UJ
-Played basketball where i killed Jim lol. 14-2 me!
The End

Well this break has come to an end. Im sitting in my dorm room all alone now, waiting for school to consume 5 out of my 7 days of the week. This winter break was by far the best i've ever had. I went snowboarding a couple of times, once where i injured my ankle/knee. Haha the ER was a weird experience. Why is it called the emergency room when people have to wait to see a doctor? The other time we got snowed in at Big Behr, the tripod and anthony. Man it was fucking fun! lol. When i got home i was verbally raped by my dad and took my money, but hey it was worth the trouble...haha. I went off some jumps, landed on my back but it was fun.

"You dont have 4 wheel drive?" " NO I DONT/ Oh..we were suppose to have it/ i thought my mud tires would work"....haha -Officer Dick and Kris

" Close the window, close the window......FUCK!" -Kristian

"I think we can take the tire chains off" -Kris " OK......what the fuck man i spent all that money just for 1 mile?" - Me

"Hey...wake up fry boy/ All up in my grill, all up in my grill!" -Kris

"Hey its snowing..." kristian


"Lets play Buto grabbers!" Anthony and kris

" Man stop farting"- i dont know...hahahaha

" For Nania and Asland" -Brennan/ Kris

"I have elven bread..."-kris

I wouldnt give up those memories for the world. When they closed down the lifts, we climbed back up that hill. It was freaking tiring but hey we got up there. Haha...we shopped around for supplies so we went to 7-11. Haha..freaking kris wanted to buy bologna that was turning a different color...wtf. We ate out of cups. Took some 7-11 forks...kris ate all the cereal when everyone was sleeping. Cheater. Freaking stupid people there....ohhh im sorry i thought you meant these size tires. Or...yea thats the biggest ones we have...haha..but he was cool. When we got back, we had some snow left in Kris truck bed so we started a snow fight.

My family and friends made my break really awesome. Watched some movies...haha sorry kayla about the i.d. checks. King Kong was sad/good. Hmmm what else. Oh yea i mostly played basketball this break..no volleyball! Weird huh? As long as i was active and not sitting around the house. Played with the usual people..kris, andrew, and kristian. Oh yea it was Kristine's b'day over the break too.

what else...oh yea. Christmas was really good. No one wrote one each others face since none of us were sleepy. Haha the cousins took shots while i had to freaking clean up dog shit! That Mario Strikers was really fun.

hung out with Jerome, Neldinne, Michelle, and Tojo. That was a fun day wasnt it guys? Haha i jumped in the pool at night. Killed jerome at all videogames lol.

Went to Chuck E Cheese...man i want to be a kid again. So i can move fast in those stupid tunnels and not hurt your knees and stuff :p

New years was good too haha. Matthew and I clogged up the doorway. It was fun trying to find the money around the house lol. Fireworks were cool too.

Played guitar alot and some piano. I kinda miss playing the piano and the pieces that i could play. Playing the guitar helps me relax and forget about everything bad. Hmmm...i learned Simply Starving to Be Safe, The Look, some of Jack Johnson, and some other songs lol.

-I have no idea where my classes are or what times or my instructors are or yea!

Only thing that was crushing was USC losing! and all of the starters are leaving.

I havent gone to a theme park in a while =[

Took care of Ginger for 2 days...man that dog pees anytime she wants too. But at least it was in the same place lol.

I was so happy that i passed microbiology! YEA! That was a good way to start off my break.

so many memories over the past winter break, but i cant put them all done because theres so many with certain people and stuff.

thats all for the night!



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