Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"the quest for noble character " - Mr. Scotti

My Day/Random thoughts

-well today was the slowest class day ever and its not even wed.
-Psych was ok but physio was a bitch. It seemed like i was in there for the whole semester.
-After that i had to go to Beverly Hills High School for my interview. The school is freaking big too. They had two big ass gyms with tunnels underneath it. I got lost but being a man, or trying to be like one, i didnt ask for directions. I just kept walking where the athletes were walking toward haha. So i finally found it and talked to Mr. Paysinger. What a nice guy. We talked for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then he said just show up on thursday and fill out some paper work on monday.
-Honestly guys im taking this job for my dad. Its not for me. I know its money and i really dont need that much. I know my dad needs help right now. Hes always been there for me and now i think i should be there for him.
-Chilled with A.J. Thats one cool guy right there. He's respectful and hes just a great guy.
-Haha i explored the patios and roofs of MSMC. I got lost when i went through this one door and i didnt know which building or which floor i was on. I just remembered it had purple everywhere.
-Took a nap. I think i've learned my lesson. Never take a nap at MSMC because they will write on you haha. Its all over my hands lol. Dam you! =P
-Exercised today and lost .2 lbs hahaha. But i think i made it up with the fruits i just ate.
-I havent showered yet.
-Still cant open that jelly snack thingy.
-Your friends are here and you shouldnt hate your life......
-Have some sad lyrics that i wrote EMO BOY! lol
-I think i have too much free time.

Go fuck a goat =P
nite nite


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