Monday, January 30, 2006

" The swiftest bridge that was ever built is the one that connects friendship and love, for it is constructed in a moment."

i got this quote from a book that Jim Lim gave to me haha. Pretty true huh?

My Day/ Thoughts

-Well this morning i felt like trying something new. I wore pajamas to school today! Haha it was really comfortable. I might do that again this week but it might become a habit. Haha it reminded me of my mom giving me a lecture. It was about wearing pjs to school and how im going to be embarassing in front of the girls haha. Its ok if they are.
-English was sssssssttttttttuuuuuuuuuuppppppppiiiiiiiiidddddd! We didnt have a freaking quiz today. So i read a 50 page poem for nothing. Oh well i guess that it was ok since i probably wouldnt of read it if there wasnt a quiz. Then i kinda dozed off when my teacher used me as an example. He said something about Brad Pitt and another guy fighting to win me! I was thinking oh great out of all the girls in the class he picks me! haha
-Sociology was pretty interesting, well because there was a movie. It was basically about how women are exploited and how their values go down throught advertising. I must admit i was kinda uncomfortable, but whatever. There was this one ad. It was advertising Jeans, but the girl wasnt wearing any hahahaha. Ok so i thought that was funny!
- Scientific concepts was blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah Blah and maybe a little meh, but mostly blah blah blah. The teacher is pretty cool though!
-Oh yea i havent written in my food log yet.
-I would never yell at people unless they really piss me OUT! haha
-Played some guitar to kill some time. I made up two songs that Neldinne said were really nice and soothing. Now i just need some lyrics.
-Hahaha when you see a shadow following you whats the first thing you think about. ROMANCE hahaha! It was on the sociology video! Funny ad!
-Watched some weird ass flash videos with Neldinne to kill sometime. Haha is a cool site check it out.
-Shot my free throws today. Did so much better. 8/10 woo hoo!
-Called random people on Jeromes phone and just wanted to say hi! Haha sorry to that one person that i woke up and that was sick. I promise i will kick Jerome in the nuts haha.
-Took a nap and guess what. Someone decided that it would be funny and take a highlighter and write HELLO and something else on my foot and my arm! Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice uhhh shame on me lol.
-Went to the cafe and played Operation on Grace's phone.
-B C party hahaha Jim and Jerome know what im talking about.
-Jerome took us back and he had to cylindrical pillows. So i decide to fold one in half and take the other one and put it through the one that was folded. So yea it formed a penis with balls. Haha and being the weirdo that i am, i held it outside of the car and started rubbing it! hahahaha it was funny everyone was looking.
-Freaking Old people moved in on the second floor and freaking younger people moved in on the first. DAM they are taking the internet jerks. I dont even know why they are here. This is our building bitch. Haha Crystal was like " Why are there old people living on the second floor?" haha she made them sound like pre-verts! haha
-Dont want to read Physio. We are going so fast in physio, its like by the end of next week we will have read the whole book!
-CLIPPERS could of beat the HEAT!
-Alot of dogs are barking outside. Im afraid of going out there because one night i came to UJ late and i heard a wolf howl over the hill next to the parking lot while i was unloading.
-" I may of never had sex, but i can still fuck you up!"
-Movie night on wed!
-"Yu taste like soot and poop!" haha
-I forgot to pack pillow cases damit!
-I didnt know that there were senior guys @ MSMC. Amazing...

Brennan out!


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