Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Spare me just, 3 last words....

....i love you is all she heard. I'll wait for you, but i cant wait forever."
I dunno..i selected all music and this song started playing while i was writing this!

Thoughts of the day
-I was in the shower and i thought to myself if you really like someone, then just tell them. You'll just be miserable holding it in. I know things will get weird, but hey its a start right? Talk to them too. You have to do something. Dude and dont be shy about anything...just be yourself. Find a person that accepts you for you! You're right...why is it so hard to find a girl that accepts guys for thier personality?
- R.I.P. Mr. Stump...time of death 1:30ish! :]
-" F.D.R.'s wife...that BIG LESBIAN MULE!" :P -Wedding Crashers
-Why do people keep buying game consoles? They are just going to come out with better ones. So i say, just wait till you like really really old and buy the newest one, so that you die before they come out with another one..haha.
- Confuzzled
- Thanks for making me taste that smoothie in my freezer you! It tasted like icy jambas!
-Damit freaking tore up our gloves and your pillow...see! No more pillow for you now! Haha...and Whitefoot tried sneaking one of my white socks in his mouth pass!
- I want to go to the Hukilau
-Music keeps me sane takes my mind of certain things that i dont want to think about.
-Today i laid down on the ground with Celine and Whitefoot in the sun during my break and it was really relaxing...the sun rays hitting me. It reminded me of the beach.
-Took a 2 or 3 hour nap..felt good!
-I guess just being honest with my parents is ok so far.
-I should start exercising again.
-Wondering if they ever fixed that guitar string that snapped yesterday.
-I have to wake up early tomorrow...stupid street sweeper. >_<
-Just realized that i only have 2 more fish in the pond...i guess my dad killed the other 10.

i guess thats it!
Brennan out!


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