Saturday, March 25, 2006


ok so this morning i get an email from Michelle and this is what it says....

Dear you,

I like to write letters and I like to write long letters. And here is a letter for you. Go figure. This is my way of expressing my thoughts since I don’t keep a blog or a diary. I only feel like writing when I feel like jotting down an epiphany or something. I just wanted to tell you that I have liked you for more or less, six months. Everyone I’ve told that I like you has told me that its wrong, and that I shouldn’t like you because we’re friends and that is all that you would ever think of me, just a friend, kaibigan lang. Kuya was one of the few who actually told me to tell you, no matter what would happen. I was supposed to tell you that I like you three to four weeks before I actually told you. The circumstances never added up: either kuya was there, or someone was there, or I got really really nervous. I was going to pop so I just wanted to say it, just to say it. I knew I would be rejected and that is fine. I was setting myself up for the worst: and that was for you to act awkward around me. Thank God that hasn’t happened yet. Im still amazed at how you haven’t freaked out yet. The reason why I like you is that I love who you are. I love the person that you are, inside and out. You make me sooo undeniably happy, that when I’m around you, I could care less if time stopped. And I know I shouldn’t express this, because you just consider me a friend, but this is me, speaking my mind, on paper. I love how you’re rational, and if you do have a temper, I haven’t seen it yet. You’re considerate, you’re patient, you’re not as lazy as you say you are. You have a good heart. And you have a gentle spirit. I love who you are around my parents. They freaking love you and when I told my mother that I like you, she freaking approved yo! She never does that! She hates all the boys I like, saying I can do better. Hahaha! She loves you. When I told you I liked you, I told her, on the way home that I liked you. She was trying to analyze it, she said, if you like him, why did you tell him? I said, I just wanted to get it off my chest, it wasn’t about the rejection anymore that I feared, it was about the awkwardness that you would feel around me. But I sucked it up, grew some balls and told you. My mom says that I’m in love with you. I really don’t know what love is, but I talked about it on speakerphone the car ride home (dude that’s like a good 1 hour about you, the other two hours were dedicated to sleep) with kuya yes, I talked about you with my mother and kuya. All I have to say is, that they keep saying that its love. Because to my mother, you like everyone, you like you’re friends, but you love that one person. I have no clue if this will freak you out. I don’t know what love is, but I know I really really like you. To the point where it hurts my cheeks. I smile like there’s no tomorrow when I’m with you. I haven’t been this happy in a long time. Just being with you makes me happy. I hope you know that. I could just sit next to you, and we don’t have to talk, and it will be enough for me. I’ve let my guard down around you and who I am with you is who I really am. I still get freaking nervous around you and I get those “butterflies” everytime I see you. I just love how you take me for who I am and you don’t judge me. I can tell you anything and you’ll listen to me and you wont judge. You make me happy. I always talk about tojo with you and she says that she’s finally happy that I found someone like you in my life, even just as a friend, because she hasn’t seen me this happy in forever.

I just want you to know what you mean to me. I would do anything for you, just to make you happy. You make my heart go whoosh. Just like a drop. But I like that feeling. Its not the same as a roller coaster drop. I loathe those drops.
The end.

Im happy that you accept me for who i am and happy that i can act myself around you! Remind me to ask you something on monday if your reading this lol.

nite everyone! =)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I worked in a pet shop and people kept asking how big I'd get.

I went to see my doctor. Doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror... I feel like throwing up; What's wrong with me? He said... I don't know but your eyesight is perfect.

Yesterday had a disney theme, well it was because we (Grace, Erika, JimLim, Jerome, Nicholas Dio the 3RD, Neldinne, Michelle, and me)went to Disneyland lol. The best ride there was the tram because the line was like really short! hhaha j/k. I saw my old healthroom person @ pius. Rode Indiana Jones first, then splash mount. Haha see MEESH!!! not bad huh? She looks like shes giving birth to something haha. Sorry if i was a picture hog. I petted some goats haha and talked to one that looked kawawa! Rode autopia where i decided to go really slow until the end haha. This kid with a snake on his head started hissing at me. Im like WTF!!!! Rode the carousel <--spelling. Girls with knee braces YEA!!! ahaha I wanted dip n dots wala. Watched fireworks which was cool. I swear i have ADD because everytime the fireworks lit up the whole park i kept looking at these 2 ducks that were eating. Tried on some hats with the mount boys. Tried on some dumbo ears as well, i guess i did make that guy laugh.Well we pretty much rode all the rides in park. I killed Grace on the buzzlightyear ride haha. I agree with nel, i think we actually made some peoples day being weird and stuff hahaha. Except for those old people that told me get off the flower and let other people enjoy it. Got Jamba Juice and me and nel switched drinks and both realized that we both got the same thing hahaha that was funny.

Came home and told everyone the stories about my grandma and how it happend in my house. Then we played Disney's Scene it. Haha thats a really fun game. Woke up early today to move the cars haha i hate thursdays 8-9 am haha. Karaoked and watched I Love Lucy. Then drove to my game against Inglewood! Freaking waste of my time, they sucked the end hahaha. Went to UJ to eat with Jim and took a 15 minute nap in my dorm. Watched the OC!

Game @ BHHS against Santa Monica!
the end!

nite nite world!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hmm i havent blogged in a while. Well part of the reason was that it was pretty frustrating with the finals and stuff. I had 5 freaking tests this week. Hmm what else...theres so much more but i cant remember it. I believe i went through alot of energy drinks this week. Its freaking spring break! wow this semester is going by pretty fast. We had a game this week against Santa Monica and my team came back and won. Good job to them. Went out to eat today with andrew and chris bovert. It was cool haha there was this hot asian lady that i wanted andrew to hook up with hahahahahaha. Parents went to Bullhead city to try and find a house. I played with Celine and Whitefoot today haha. It was fun. I remembered how whitefoot use to be able to keep up with me and be so energetic, but now time passes by and hes sluggish. I found out alot of people have broken the GOLDEN RULE about dating and stuff and i have realized that it happened to me as well. Bros before hoes! A good point was brought up, if you have to work harder just to make the relationship work then its not worth it so why bother.
Something came up this week. I must admit that i was surprise, but not freaked out haha see i told you i wouldnt freak. But im glad you got that off your chest. Haha nice joke huh tojmeister =P. I've thought about it and i have to tell you something too, but i guess that can wait for later! hahaha I saw V for Vendetta on friday took a couple of shots and went home. Today i left the dorms to go back to the mount to work on our project, but someone didnt show up but thats ok. i have to register for summer school. But yea spring break is here i have some plans one of them is to sleep! haha CAPO i have to remember that. Disneyland on wed haha so its cool! i havent been there in forever. The only reason this spring break sucks is that most of my friends dont have the same break as me so yea... played x-man at kris house today haha pretty fun. Went to taco bell on friday but just got the potatos. I cleaned my dorm today haha amazing huh? No myspace? i've realized how time consuming that can be. Before i wasnt able to take a nap but now i have time to squeeze a 2 hour nap in. Aww guitar i love that instrument. I wanna learn how to play the drums though. IM listening to Redemption song...sounds awesome. Im going to dl tetrinet. Lost at hold'em this week, freaking neldinne has x-ray vision in her glasses haha but shes good so im not complaining. Jim lim wiped me out too wtf??? haha im a suck.

yea i think thats all. All this came out from my mind, in no order so yea!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Prayer for Exams

Loving God, as I begin this time of exams,
I feel some anxiety and frustration.
Help me to stay focused.Give me a clear mind,
to perform to the best of my ability.
Help me to study with dedication and vigor.
Grant me silence so that I may process the knowledge I have obtained.
Let me sleep peacefully at night,so that I am refreshed and renewed for my upcoming exams.
Be with me, gentle God, during these days.
Undoubtedly, there will be moments when I want to quit and give up.
Please sustain me, Holy One.
Guide me during times of trouble.
Help me be satisfied with the work I have done,but also help me to see areasthat I may improve upon academically in the future.

thought i'd just throw it out there to everyone!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

i dont feel like blogging today, but since im here i guess this does count as blogging.

-didnt go to any classes
-played bball at pomona. Lost 2 games. F YOU JACKBUTT WHO FREAKING KEPT FOULING EVERYONE!
-ate at denny's

-Coached at a tournament @ university. 2-2 overall.
-played volleyball with ate sa's im team.
-played basketball, lost but i scored 4 points so thats good
-Chilled at kris'
-ate albertas
-drank a lil bit

tomorrow i have to start studying! WOO HOO! ahahaha shot! lol

Friday, March 10, 2006


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there? wow thats mind boggling! haha

One day as I came home early from work ..... I saw a guy jogging naked. I said to the guy .... Hey buddy .... why are you doing that for? He said .... Because you came home early. (Rodney Dangerfield)

When I was born .... the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father .... I'm very sorry. We did everything we could....but he pulled through. (Rodney Dangerfield)

I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof. (Rodney Dangerfield)

my day
-baby psych-test was easy
-Physio- same old same old
-went to South Bay Galleria and chilled there to kill some time before the game.
-We won 25-23,-26-24.. good job everybody!
-regressing is fun
-floor meeting was ok

What is wrong with everyone. People have been getting emo or they are in a bad or sad mood. I believe that one person can affect alot of with being emo and stuff. Why is all this happening now? Everyone is sad and i dont like it when people are sad. Im here if anyone wants to talk. Whats with taking sides with friends too? thats weird, personally i dont take sides between friends unless i really hate you which is rare except for that one person! Wow i wish i could fly a plane and drop happy dust over my friends, no not drugs, but you get my drift. Cheer up everyone....

do you remember in the grinch stole christmas how they zoomed in on a snowflake and there was their world???? What if our world is just a lil rain drop falling in a bigger world and time is just from when the rain drop comes down till it hits the ground???? How do we know if we are awake? or is this just a dream like in the matrix??? What if we already have the knowledge in the world in our brains and all we need to do is just remember it again? How do we know if what teachers are teaching is the truth? or is it all false? Do we really know more than we know? and if we do know more than we know is there any point in learning more than we need to know? When people second guess themselves like on a test, is it the devil or an angel tell you to change it? i dunno if that made sense but whatever

ok i gotta study again!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Well i wrote on friday, but michelle's computer wouldnt let me post so here i am tryin to write again haha...lets see if i remember everything.

-eng-I think he cancelled class
-Sociology- watched Born into the brothels
-Sci con took a quiz
-Physiology lab- we learned about our reflexes. Haha Babinski is a funny name!
-Michelle, Neldinne, and I tried to go to blockbuster to rent a movie, but they were closed. Went to Jerome's house and played uno. Watched Jerome's play from last year haha that was funny. Jerome's mom called me MR. BANG-GUS! haha and she called me retarded when she figured out i dont understand tagalog that well haha.
-Michelle im'd random people haha
-Tried to make paper stars, but came out retarded lol
-Didnt get that much sleep =P. Sorry for waking you up twice haha

For lent i gave up
*something dealing with something hahaha
*eating too much

-baby psych- watched a movie
-physio-learned about our nostrils and our vision.
-went to practice and burned my knees! hahaha it was fun though.
-went to eat L&L with Grace, Michelle, Neldinne, and Jerome.
-ate at Jerome's house
-Dropped off nic's food
-took them back to the mount.
-Listened to my rap/oldies cd. haha random huh?

-Packed and finished bs-ing my introductory paragraph @ 7:40
-It rained really hard. That was awesome i like the rain. Jim and I rushed to english class because we thought that we were going to be late, but when we got there no one was there only2 people. I asked if class was cancelled and he said no so i left haha
-took a sociology quiz
-went to sci con and learned about moley moley moley!
-Took Erika home and dropped off Jessica @ Jaymie's house.
-Looked for tire chains. Didnt have my size @ pepboys, auto zone, or kragen. Walmart out of all the places had it.
-Packed then drove to SD to pick up tine and danny. Then drove to Mammoth. haha longest drive ever.
-We had 4 wheel DRIVVE!
-got there around 2:30 ish??? the weather was -4. hahaa its a preezing!
-cabin was pretty nice. Kristian was sleeping on the bottom bunk and suddenly woke up after i said ok i'll get the top! haha

-went sleding down some snow near the cabin haha it wasnt even even, it was bumpy and the slope was like straight down haha.
-walked all the way down to the lodge to buy tickets and to take the lift to the mountains.
-Kris saved my life haha. I was riding my snowboard down to the lodge and i was apporaching an intersection with a car approaching on the other side. So kris stops me and grabs my sweater whew! close one
-Bought our tickets and took the lift realizing that the mountain was only like 3 blocks away hahaha.
-The snow was awesome. It felt pillows. I went off some jumps. I ate it hard on one of them. Learned how to toe stop and ate it a couple of times in the process. Alot of face plants. Danny couldnt stop at all! ahaha eating it everytime lol. Went down the mountain 8 times or so. I told kris to jump into this one part where it was soft haha he didnt know about that so he jump and landed in soft snow. haha he had a hard time struggling just to move. Haha my sweater was all wet from falling alot so when we got to the top of the mountain my sweater was frozen. haha it was like wearing an ice pack. Walked back to the cabin and danny slipped on ice like 2 times. This one white guy pulled up next to us and said to danny " hey is that a burton board? because someones was stollen" and we said no this is ours. then he said ok and drove off. Then he stops and says the sweater gave it away, then we were like uhhh ok? The drives off again on his cell phone. Then he stops again and says," you guys want a ride to your cabin?" im like what the fuck is your problem? and we said no and just walked away. stupid white guy assuming we are thiefs? its because we are asian! haha

oh yea i saw kristian try to grind this one time. haha he forgot to jump and all i hear is a clank noise and its kristian's board hitting the pipe! haha punny punny.

played a trick on Danny by saying...ahhh the manager is here. get up get up! haha so he gets up and grabs his sweater and runs to the door and sees me and kris laughing! haha that was funny. tried it on kristian but all i got out of him was a F YOU GUYS! haha

ok gtg to class

-woke up around i dunno
-didnt get up until ate tina came in haha. Kris tries giving her a high five haha. "I heard she killed someone" haha
-packed everything up to go home
-ate @ kfc
-stopped by some snow before we actually left the mountain. it was fun! I'll post it on myspace as soon as lent it over.
-Drove 5 hours to get danny and tine home.
-Got to sd around 5ish
-Played beach volleyball for about 2 hours or so. that was fun! except there was no lights so it was hard to see.
-Got home around 9:30 packed and then drove to UJ

-hmmm english was weird.
-sociology was just a review for the midterm
-Sci con- i got an A on the quiz.
-Practice was ok. I played in my jeans today since someone forgot their shorts. First game tomorrow @ west torrance @ 3:15.
-2 hour nap
now im studying for my midterm for baby psych, well i should be studying haha. i am just taking a break.
-i ate pasta with clams, well at least the shells of the clams. No meat!
-Watched Mulan with Neldinne! sang along when neldinne went to advisement but sshhhh.

and i guess i'ave caught up on my blog! wow that was long!

oh yea theres more videos of me and friends on youtube. look for user michymuchy

"Behr, he lick me!"
"Uhhhhh ba boy behr!" hahahahahahahahaha