Monday, March 06, 2006

Well i wrote on friday, but michelle's computer wouldnt let me post so here i am tryin to write again haha...lets see if i remember everything.

-eng-I think he cancelled class
-Sociology- watched Born into the brothels
-Sci con took a quiz
-Physiology lab- we learned about our reflexes. Haha Babinski is a funny name!
-Michelle, Neldinne, and I tried to go to blockbuster to rent a movie, but they were closed. Went to Jerome's house and played uno. Watched Jerome's play from last year haha that was funny. Jerome's mom called me MR. BANG-GUS! haha and she called me retarded when she figured out i dont understand tagalog that well haha.
-Michelle im'd random people haha
-Tried to make paper stars, but came out retarded lol
-Didnt get that much sleep =P. Sorry for waking you up twice haha

For lent i gave up
*something dealing with something hahaha
*eating too much

-baby psych- watched a movie
-physio-learned about our nostrils and our vision.
-went to practice and burned my knees! hahaha it was fun though.
-went to eat L&L with Grace, Michelle, Neldinne, and Jerome.
-ate at Jerome's house
-Dropped off nic's food
-took them back to the mount.
-Listened to my rap/oldies cd. haha random huh?

-Packed and finished bs-ing my introductory paragraph @ 7:40
-It rained really hard. That was awesome i like the rain. Jim and I rushed to english class because we thought that we were going to be late, but when we got there no one was there only2 people. I asked if class was cancelled and he said no so i left haha
-took a sociology quiz
-went to sci con and learned about moley moley moley!
-Took Erika home and dropped off Jessica @ Jaymie's house.
-Looked for tire chains. Didnt have my size @ pepboys, auto zone, or kragen. Walmart out of all the places had it.
-Packed then drove to SD to pick up tine and danny. Then drove to Mammoth. haha longest drive ever.
-We had 4 wheel DRIVVE!
-got there around 2:30 ish??? the weather was -4. hahaa its a preezing!
-cabin was pretty nice. Kristian was sleeping on the bottom bunk and suddenly woke up after i said ok i'll get the top! haha

-went sleding down some snow near the cabin haha it wasnt even even, it was bumpy and the slope was like straight down haha.
-walked all the way down to the lodge to buy tickets and to take the lift to the mountains.
-Kris saved my life haha. I was riding my snowboard down to the lodge and i was apporaching an intersection with a car approaching on the other side. So kris stops me and grabs my sweater whew! close one
-Bought our tickets and took the lift realizing that the mountain was only like 3 blocks away hahaha.
-The snow was awesome. It felt pillows. I went off some jumps. I ate it hard on one of them. Learned how to toe stop and ate it a couple of times in the process. Alot of face plants. Danny couldnt stop at all! ahaha eating it everytime lol. Went down the mountain 8 times or so. I told kris to jump into this one part where it was soft haha he didnt know about that so he jump and landed in soft snow. haha he had a hard time struggling just to move. Haha my sweater was all wet from falling alot so when we got to the top of the mountain my sweater was frozen. haha it was like wearing an ice pack. Walked back to the cabin and danny slipped on ice like 2 times. This one white guy pulled up next to us and said to danny " hey is that a burton board? because someones was stollen" and we said no this is ours. then he said ok and drove off. Then he stops and says the sweater gave it away, then we were like uhhh ok? The drives off again on his cell phone. Then he stops again and says," you guys want a ride to your cabin?" im like what the fuck is your problem? and we said no and just walked away. stupid white guy assuming we are thiefs? its because we are asian! haha

oh yea i saw kristian try to grind this one time. haha he forgot to jump and all i hear is a clank noise and its kristian's board hitting the pipe! haha punny punny.

played a trick on Danny by saying...ahhh the manager is here. get up get up! haha so he gets up and grabs his sweater and runs to the door and sees me and kris laughing! haha that was funny. tried it on kristian but all i got out of him was a F YOU GUYS! haha

ok gtg to class

-woke up around i dunno
-didnt get up until ate tina came in haha. Kris tries giving her a high five haha. "I heard she killed someone" haha
-packed everything up to go home
-ate @ kfc
-stopped by some snow before we actually left the mountain. it was fun! I'll post it on myspace as soon as lent it over.
-Drove 5 hours to get danny and tine home.
-Got to sd around 5ish
-Played beach volleyball for about 2 hours or so. that was fun! except there was no lights so it was hard to see.
-Got home around 9:30 packed and then drove to UJ

-hmmm english was weird.
-sociology was just a review for the midterm
-Sci con- i got an A on the quiz.
-Practice was ok. I played in my jeans today since someone forgot their shorts. First game tomorrow @ west torrance @ 3:15.
-2 hour nap
now im studying for my midterm for baby psych, well i should be studying haha. i am just taking a break.
-i ate pasta with clams, well at least the shells of the clams. No meat!
-Watched Mulan with Neldinne! sang along when neldinne went to advisement but sshhhh.

and i guess i'ave caught up on my blog! wow that was long!

oh yea theres more videos of me and friends on youtube. look for user michymuchy

"Behr, he lick me!"
"Uhhhhh ba boy behr!" hahahahahahahahaha



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