Thursday, October 02, 2008


So lets see....ive been kinda sick watching espn or sportcenter lately. Its because they keep showing the loss of USC and the angels. Man wtf! haha im kinda disappointed @ USC but i knew it was going to happen. The angels man wtf were u thinking vladdy.

Anywho another thing that pissed me off and thats always been an inconvience to me is the Verizon network. I dont know if its just our house or something but ive been getting dropped calls and freaking late texts. Sometimes i dont even get calls. so yea i went to the verizon store and they said ooo yea we can upgrade your program so that you get stronger signal strength and a longer battery life..just come back in an hour he said. So yea i come back an hour later and he said that my phone would not accept the upgrade....WOW! i just wasted my fucking time! he said yea we can replace your phone...haha man ive had my phone replaced 6 times or so. But yea he said we dont have your phone and that i could go to another verizon wireless store and get another one. The closest one was near costa mesa. Fuck that. Man im getting sick of verizon but i have to get it because my dad signed another contract with them and i dont want to be paying just to talk to my dad.

I saw this clip of a man hitting a woman because she cut him in line @ mcdonalds. just amazed to see how stupid people can get and how angry this world is.

I played volleyball today. haha man i suck!

tomorrow i gotta work on my case study tom. I think i need to go to the hospital tom to get more information for my case study. haha great another 5 bucks for freaking parking.

Hopefully the angels win tom. I cant wait till hockey season haha almost there.

Gnite world

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


well today was interesting. we took our med surg quiz and yea...where the hell did that shit come from. I know she said anything's fair game, but does that mean like even the stuff we didnt even cover? meh its alright. This past clinical weekend, i actually felt like i was finally doing something. like during my past rotations, ive hung an IVPB and gave meds but that was it. This weekend was pretty good. I got to do my first and second IV pushes haha and other things. I had a pt who was a workload, but hey it was worth it. Ive been thinking about my specialty in nursing and yea im kinda drifting away from peds. I mean i wouldnt mind, but when i start working i want to be doing something, not just chilling the whole 12 hours. Peds ER was different, except what everyones coming into the Er with a fever, N/V. its like Vital signs crazy....i cant do that! im thinking now of doing med surg for about a year to get my skills down and then go to ER or ICU. i want to do something while im young, i want to experience the worse trauma that comes in. Pediatrics is still in my view but maybe later on down the road.

Congrats to those who got to do CPR.

Our teacher today talked about graduation.....yea. kinda scary. we get to decide how we want to run things this time. this school sucks...only 5 people are allowed to be invited? wtf is that. Its just like servite all over again. Rich ass school cheap ass ceremony. haha maybe i should just make copies. But yea one the topic of expensiveness if thats even a teacher said for the pinning ceremony we could buy pins and those would run around...$300. and im like wtf? shit we cant even park on campus and now this? wow haha i think my pin is going to just be a disneyland pin. i mean its cheaper to buy a ticket and get a pin and spend money on gas then get a pin for 300 bucks which im probably going to lose within the next year. so yea. Anywho, we decided to have music too. so yea me and some of my friends are planning to play some songs and sing at our post pinning. so yea well see how that goes.

lets see my nutrition has not been good at all lately. I mean yea i still weigh 190lbs but my choice of foods have not been good thanks to the midterm and clinicals. I mean the days before the mid term, i was going to taco bell and getting that 89 cent double beefy cheese burrito and yea. Ive also eaten KFC and Mcdonalds....FUCK! haha today i wanted to start off right again so i ate cereal this morning with bananas. I dont know ive been craving alot of fast food. hahaha i need to stop or else ima get cholycestitis haha. shit.
