Wednesday, May 17, 2006

hi hi

well i still dont know how to put a title up. hmmm i havent blogged in a while and i guess i should more often. Ok my current situation. feeling a bit anxious and kinda stressed. i finished school and blah blah. now i have to wait for my grades. hopefully i did well this semester. i need nothing lower than a B in my science classes to even get considered for the nursing program. Im just waiting for friday BAAHHH!! i feel happy because i know i did well, but sometimes i doubt myself always thinking of alternative plans to if i dont make it. in sociology, i calculated my grade and it ended up being a 92% so yay, but yesterday i looked it up and it came to an 89.47!!!! WTF! so yea that is why i doubt myself, everytime im close to something, i always fall short for some reason. I fear not seeing my friends again and losing the friendships that i have built over the past school year. i fear disappointing my parents and others as well. i know i cant do anything about it now so i shall just wait.

right now i have to fucking clean the house and on top of that i have to help my dad with the backyard with his lik projects. i have no idea where he gets his energy!!! I miss the dorms, no parents to tell me what to do and no curfew. Can you believe that i still have a curfew! bah whatever. i guess i just gotta get use to what i have been doing for the past 17 years! Its amazing how time goes by so fast no matter what. it seems like yesterday i woke up on the first day of school @ uj around 7:30ish thinking i could get to school in 10 minutes! Wrong there was traffic. i got to school around 8:10 so yea i was kinda late. i looked at my schedule thinking where the hell is DH 301. i even asked a sophmore and she said i dont know bah! then i finally found it and there was nahid!!!!! hahaha. and now its fucking summer! where the hell did time go huh? this was one of the best school years evera! better than the time i spelled the word "together" haha hey that was hard for me =P so yea i guess i should just enjoy the time im given. ok

hi hi michelle. I'd like to thank you for being there everytime for me. thanks for making me smile when im feeling down, thanks for being YOURSELF!!!, thanks for talking with me. Thanks for not being afraid to tell me anything, thanks for the email letters you send me everyday. thanks for writing that letter to dr. rodriguez hahaha i was afraid yo! thanks for not getting mad at me for falling asleep on you on the phone ahaha. haha fat fat lol. i know its redundant , but THANK YOU!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

just to tell you guys, so you know i am gay.