Thursday, January 18, 2007


wow wow wii! the flip show and the game system!

dam i havent blogged in forever. haha well heres a chance to break that streak. i remembered i had a really deep thought about childhood and how it compares to now, but i dont remember any of it.

so yea...Life couldnt get any better than this. I started my nursing classes on tuesday. My pharamcology teacher was like im glad you guys showed up today because since we really dont start till tomorrow, we are 16 ch behind now. Im like YYYEEAAAAHHHH!!! haha i remember the ADN director saying that we are just going to ease into things starting with pharmacology and Roy Adaptation Model. shit haha i didnt know that 16 chps and 95 pages + 3 chapters of fundamentals would be easing into things. But im excited. I've never done so much reading in a day with the font being @ like 10 haha.

Nursing Schedule for 8 weeks

Pharmacology Tues 12:30-4:30

Roy Adaptation Model Thurs 12:30-4:30

hmm oh yea i should tell you, or whoever reads this. DO NOT TAKE THE CRITICAL THINKING CLASS @ FULLERTON COLLEGE. that shit is hard! i've never gotten so many C's and D's in my whole life. i almost didnt pass that class. I had a 70.2 going into the final!!! Major stress giver, but i passed the final and thank God they do not give plus or minuses so yea i ended up with a C haha.

Final grades @ fullerton

Ethics and Morality-A
History or Rock-A
World Religions-B
Critical Thinking-C <---remember my advice haha

Michelle is awesome! haha she lets me shake "Billy" from time to time or whenever i get the chance haha. Shes my Babybutt butt lol. she makes me happy. i love her. we do have our fights, but i guess it makes us stronger. She snoores on the phone sometimes. haha yea thats some of the embarassing stuff.

Fucking street sweeper! i hate thursdays. except Grey's Anatomy! OMG its a new one huh? shit im gunna be in the library, oh well ill juss watch it on their website.

American Idol was so fucking funny yesterday! expecially the last guy haha trying to sing queen. that was funny.

ooo and i watched this clip its awesome! i believe that everyone in times of need need a hug. this music video makes me want to hug strangers!!

ok im out
i think ima go back to sleep or eat breakfast or read??? i dunno

have good one y'all

torres out


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