Tuesday, June 13, 2006

<---well this was the last picture that i took of whitefoot before he was taken to the pound.When i get home from the laundry mat my dad tells me, say goodbye to whitefoot, i called the city to come pick him up. im like wtf!!!! so there was nothing i could do but to spend the last hour and some odd minutes with him. i admit i started to cry because its hard to let something go after you've been with it for 11 years. i still feel sad but not as much as earlier. i told him i loved him and i gave him a whole porkchop, 2 empenadas, and some chicharon since hes not gunna get fed that well at the pound. oh man im tearing up again! bah. i hugged him really tight and kissed him on the nose and head but yea the hardest thing to do was walk him to the truck and pick him up and put him in those crates that was the part i was freaking crying at looking at him for the last time as they closed the door!!!! shit i was like im never gunna see him again =( i guess i just need time for it to soak in so yea. through the 11 years he was with me im gunna miss
-him pee'ing everywhere
-belly rubs
-barking at the gardeners
-his purple collar i gave him
-playing basketball or humping it
-bringing me a dead pidgeon instead of his ball
-waking me up on saturday mornings by licking my face
-him shedding his hair everywhere in the house
-chewing my hand when he was small
-2nd place in obedience school
-retrieving his ball so that we can play
-chasing after him when he escapes the backyard
-killing about i dunno a million possums
-teaching him to recycle
-him eating gulay haha wtf? and hot cheetos lol
-chewing up my friends pants hahahaha
-giving him a bone and the next day finding it buried in the dirt
-trying to hump celine haha
-him shaking everytime i gave him a bath
-his companionship
-laying down in the backyard with him
-playing hide n seek with him

and there's many more but the point is that im gunna miss him. im tearing up again! bah like kris said i should go to the pound and then adopt him again lol. man sounds like i just wrote a eulogy or something.....its like ive lost a long time friend


ok im out


At 8:56 PM , Blogger kaylakayyy said...

it's okay!
smile! =)


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